About the Project
Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (ES) is renewing equipment and facilities at the existing Hastings Wastewater Treatment Plant to keep the Plant operating at a high level of service until the proposed new Plant is completed.
Located in the City of Hastings, the Hastings Plant serves about 20,000 residents in Hastings and portions of surrounding Marshan Township, discharging an average of 1.7 million gallons per day to the Mississippi River. The plant is located in downtown Hastings at the corner of 2nd Street and Lea Street.
The renewal project will include:
- HVAC upgrades at 3 buildings (Chlorine, Influent, and Grit).
- Rehabilitation of two aeration tanks and removal of decommissioned spray water and air pipes.
- New concrete pavement at the approach and exit of the Solids Loading building.
- Site security fencing at 2445 Ravenna Trail in Hastings. This project includes fencing and vehicle gates only at this site. The proposed new plant is being developed under another project.
While we do our best to minimize impacts during construction, some temporary inconveniences may occur as the work takes place, including construction noise and additional truck traffic. We expect work to occur Monday thru Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. All treatment plant operations will remain in full service while we complete this work.
Project Staff
Project Manager: Seth Chmelik, Principal Engineer, Plant Engineering
Council's Authorized Representative: Mike Olerich, Principal Contract Administrator, Construction Services