Maple Grove Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project
Project Overview
Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (Environmental Services), operator of the metro-area wastewater collection and treatment system, is making improvements to regional sanitary sewer facilities that serve homes and businesses along 72nd Avenue in Maple Grove. These facilities serve over 500 acres of homes and businesses in the southwest portion of Maple Grove as well as portions of Corcoran. Work includes installing a new regional sanitary sewer pipe in 2024.
Project Location
Project Schedule
What to Expect
While we do our best to minimize impacts during construction, some temporary inconveniences may occur as the work takes place. Here is what you can expect:
- Noise, vibration, dust, and odors related to sewer work.
- Project equipment staged south of the neighborhood pool, along 72nd Avenue, and along the trail located northeast of 72nd Avenue.
- Heavy equipment in the neighborhood including cranes and dump trucks.
- Sidewalk and neighborhood trail closures.
- Temporary lane closures on 72nd Avenue and Vagabond Lane.
- Possible temporary road closures along 72nd Avenue. Driveway access is expected to be maintained for all residents throughout construction.
- Tree trimming and removal.
- Vegetation disruptions.
- Temporary utility disruptions anticipated during weekday business hours including water main and natural gas line interruptions.
Learn more
Environmental Services has developed three short videos to help explain why projects like this are necessary, what smells you may experience during the project, and how we will return the project sites to how they were before or better during the restoration phase.
"Operation: Pipe Repair"
The sewer pipes right under our feet are an important part of our wastewater infrastructure and need repair. Environmental Services has a strategic plan to fix our sewer pipes to keep the region’s wastewater flowing and neighborhoods safe.
“Operation: Restoration”
Environmental Services is committed to being a good neighbor and restoring our sewer construction sites back to how they were before, or better. We may need to remove or relocate trees and shrubs or wait for the right season to complete work like planting grass, but our on-site staff will be there to help!
Project Update - June 21, 2024 (PDF)
172 kB
Project Update - September 26, 2023 (PDF)
266 kB
Open House Postcard for September 14 Event - August 31, 2023 (PDF)
1.1 MB
Project Update - June 30, 2023 (PDF)
236 kB
Open House Postcard for May 17 Event - April 28, 2023 (PDF)
865 kB
Project Staff
Project Manager: Ryan Piner, Principal Engineer, Interceptor Engineering
Council's Authorized Representative: Jennifer Adams, Principal Contract Administrator, Construction Services
Project Contacts
For information, please contact:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 763-280-8705
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