Transportation Committee Meeting

Regular Meeting
June 13, 2022 | 4:00 p.m.
Location: Robert Street Council Chambers - Directions
Minutes (PDF)


Call to Order

  1. Approval of the Agenda
  2. Approval of May 23, 2022 Transportation Committee minutes


  1. Metropolitan Transportation Services Director
  2. Metro Transit General Manager
  3. Transportation Accessibility Advisory Board (TAAC)

Consent Business

  1. 2022-166: Unified Planning Work Program Amendment (Dave Burns 651-602-1887)  {attachment}  {summary}
  2. 2022-163: Authorization to Apply for Section 5311 Formula Grants for Rural Areas Funding - Resolution 2022-12 (John Harper 651-602-1744)
  3. 2022-104: Green Line Extension – Work Order 1 on the Master Partnership Contract with MnDOT (Robin Caufman 651-602-1457)
  4. 2022-105: METRO Gold Line BRT – Work Order 10 on the Master Partnership Contract with MnDOT (Robin Caufman 651-602-1457, Chris Beckwith 651-302-1994)
  5. 2022-160: METRO Gold Line Administrative Settlement on Parcel 340 (Helmo) (Robin Caufman 651-602-1457)

Non-Consent Business – Reports of Standing Committees

  1. 2022-150: Transit Advertising Revenue Services - Contract 22R006 (Bruce Howard 612-349-7694)
  2. 2022-158: Blue Line Extension Route Recommendation (Nick Landwer 612-373-3847)
  3. 2022-134: METRO E Line – Final Corridor Plan (Kyle O’Donnell Burrows 612-349-7749)
  4. 2022-165: Northstar Corridor Funding Agreement with State of Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) | Resolution 2022-13 (Ed Petrie 612-349-7624)


  1. TIP Public Comment Release Notification (Joe Barbeau 651-602-1705)
  2. January-April 2022 Ridership Report (Eric Lind 612-349-7521, John Harper 651-602-1744)
  3. Quarter 2 Service Changes and Operator Staffing (Brian Funk 612-349-7514, Adam Harrington 612-349-7797)
  4. Metro Transit Strategic Plan – Quarter 2 Update (Rachel Dungca 612-349-7536, Lesley Kandaras 612-349-7513, Jim Harwood 612-349-7339, Robin Caufman 651-602-1457, and Marcy Syman 651-602-1417)


JT:       Joint business item; presented at two or more committees prior to being presented at Council
SW:      Action taken by the Council and Committee the same week
*           Agenda item changed following initial publication

Committee information

Transportation Committee

Committee contact:

Becky Gorell
[email protected]