Transportation Committee Meeting

Regular Meeting
March 10, 2025 | 4:00 p.m.
Location: Robert Street Council Chambers - Directions


Call to order

  1. Approval of the agenda
  2. Approval of February 24, 2025, Transportation Committee minutes


  1. Metropolitan Transportation Services Director
  2. Metro Transit General Manager
  3. Transportation Accessibility Advisory Committee (TAAC)

Consent business

  1. There are no items on the consent agenda

Non-consent business

  1. 2025-50 JT: 2025 Budget Amendment – 1st Quarter /Carryforward (Ed Petrie 612-349-7624 & Heather Giesel 651-602-1715)
  2. 2025-19 SW: Fare Collection System Upgrade, Contract 24P004 - Amendment 1 (Ed Petrie 612-349-7624, Sue Hauge 651-602-1136, Dennis Dworshak 612-349-7364)
  3. 2025-30: Discontinue Suspended Bus Routes and Endorse the Network Now Framework (Adam Harrington 612-349-7797, Cyndi Harper 612-349-7723. Mark Christianson 612-349-7467)
  4. 2025-58: METRO Gold Line Bus Rapid Transit Contract 20P073A Amendment 2 (Alicia Vap 612-349-7079)


  1. Q4 Ridership Report (John Harper 651-602-1744, Joey Reid 612-349-7535)
  2. Travel Behavior Inventory (TBI) Household Survey 2019 - 2023, Part 2 (Brandon Whited 651-602-7561)


JT:       Joint business item; presented at two or more committees prior to being presented at Council
SW:      Action taken by the Council and Committee the same week
*           Agenda item changed following initial publication

Committee information

Transportation Committee

Committee contact:

Jenna Ernst
[email protected]