Call to order
- Approval of the agenda
- Approval of November 25, 2024, Transportation Committee minutes
- Metropolitan Transportation Services Director
- Metro Transit General Manager
- Transportation Accessibility Advisory Committee (TAAC)
Consent business
- There were no items on the consent agenda
Non-consent business
- 2024-317 SW: METRO G Line – Cooperative Construction Agreement with Ramsey County for Rice Street Visioning & Reconstruction (Adam Smith 612-349-7160, Reed Sherlock 612-349-7455)
- 2024-318 SW: METRO G Line – Cooperative Construction Agreement with the City of St. Paul for Robert Street Reconstruction Adam Smith 612-349-7160, Reed Sherlock 612-349-7455)
- 2024-315 SW: METRO E Line - Amendment 1 to Hennepin County Joint Powers and Cooperative Construction Agreement (Katie Roth 612-349-7772)
- 2024-316 SW: METRO G Line - Ramsey County Funding Agreement (Katie Roth 612-349-7772)
- 2024-335 JT SW: METRO B Line – Resolution 2024-26 Establishing Obligation for Project Contingency (Katie Roth 612-349-7772, Ed Petrie 612-349-7624)
- 2024-332 JT SW: 4th Quarter Budget Amendment (Ed Petrie 612-349-7624)
- 2024-338 SW: TSP Mobile Hardware Upgrade, Contract 24P288 (Juan Villanueva, 612-349-7574; Claire Curd, 612-349-7574)
- 2024 3rd Quarter Ridership Report (John Harper 651-602-1744, Joey Reid 612-349-7535)
- Imagine 2050 Transportation Policy Plan Draft Changes in Response to Comments (Cole Hiniker 651-602-1748, Jed Hanson 651-602-1716)
JT: Joint business item; presented at two or more committees prior to being presented at Council
SW: Action taken by the Council and Committee the same week
* Agenda item changed following initial publication