Eagan Siphon Outlet Improvements Project
Project Description
Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (ES), operator of the metro-area wastewater collection and treatment system, will be replacing approximately 800 feet of sanitary forcemain and two large siphon junction structures just north of Silver Bell Road on Nicols Road in the City of Eagan. The project will also include cleaning and inspection of approximately 33,000 linear feet of siphon pipe that crosses under the Minnesota River and conveys flow from the Bloomington Area.
Due to the environmental sensitivity of the area, work is to be completed in two phases, primarily during the winter months. The first phase, in winter 2023-2024, includes tree removal on the Metropolitan Council parcel to provide access to existing structures and install aboveground temporary wastewater conveyance pipes. The temporary conveyance pipes will deliver continuous service during the second phase of construction which is scheduled to begin winter 2024-2025 and last for two years. Additional information about this project will be provided with future updates.
MCES 7031-9003 Siphon Outlet Improvements Project Environmental Assessment Worksheet
Project Update - January 7, 2025 (PDF)
125 kB
Project Staff
Project Manager: Amanda Mondor, Principal Engineer, Interceptor Engineering
Council's Authorized Representative: Kim Sanders, Principal Contract Administrator, Construction Services
Assistant Council's Authorized Representative: Brad Warm, Contract Administrator, Construction Services
Project Contacts
For information, please contact: