Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission Meeting

Regular Meeting
March 7, 2024 | 4:00 p.m.
Location: Robert Street Room 1A - Directions
Minutes (PDF)


Call to Order

  1. Approval of the Agenda
  2. Approval of the December 7, 2023, January 4, 2024, and February 1, 2024 Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission minutes.

Public Invitation

Invitation to interested persons to address the Metropolitan Parks and Opens Space Commission. Pre-register at [email protected]. Each speaker is limited to a three-minute presentation.

Business – 30 minutes

  1. Appointment of Bob Moeller as Vice-Chair to the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission for 2024.
  2. 2024-52 Rush Creek Regional Trail, Park Acquisition Opportunity Fund Award (McCartney), Three Rivers Park District (Jessica Lee, 651-602-1621)
  3. 2024-53 Big Marine Park Reserve, Park Acquisition Opportunity Fund Award (Kelley), Washington County (Jessica Lee, 651-602-1621)

Information – 60 minutes

  1. 2050 Regional Development Guide and Regional Parks Policy Plan Update


  1. Chair
  2. Committee Members
  3. Council Liaison
  4. Staff


Committee information

Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission

Committee contact:

Sandi Dingle
[email protected]