Transportation Advisory Board Meeting

Special Meeting
December 18, 2024 | 12:00 p.m.
Location: Robert Street Council Chambers - Directions
Minutes (PDF)


Call to Order

  1. Approval of the Agenda

Public Invitation

Invitation to interested persons to address the Transportation Advisory Board. Pre-register at [email protected]. Each speaker is limited to a three-minute presentation.

Reports (12:05-12:20)

  1. TAB Chair’s Report – Jim Hovland, Chair
    • Recognize outgoing members
  2. Agency Reports – MnDOT, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Metropolitan Airports Commission, Metropolitan Council, Suburban Transit Association
  3. TAC Report (Jeni Hager, TAC Chair)

Approval of Minutes (12:20-12:25)

  1. Approval of November 20, 2024, Transportation Advisory Board minutes

Consent Business (12:25-12:30)

  1. 2024-49: 2025-2028 Streamlined TIP Amendment: Sherburne County Government Center Electric Vehicles and Charging Stations
  2. 2024-53: 2025-2028 Streamlined TIP Amendment Ramsey County and Saint Louis Park Projects Cost Increases  
  3. 2024-54: 2025-2028 Streamlined TIP Amendment: New Hennepin County Charging Ports and MnDOT NEVI Program Charging Stations

Non-Consent Business (12:30-1:10)

  1. 2024-48: Regional Significant 2025-2028 TIP Amendment – I-494 E-ZPass Extension and Improvements (Jeni Hager, TAC Chair; Robbie King, MTS)
  2. 2024-50: Scope Change and Program Year Extension Request – CSAH 153 Reconstruction Project (Jeni Hager, TAC Chair)
  3. 2024-51: Review of Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) 2025-2031 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) (Jeni Hager, TAC Chair)
  4. 2024-52: Adoption of 2024 Safety Performance Targets (Jeni Hager, TAC Chair; Jed Hanson, MTS)

Information (1:10-1:15)

  1. Imagine 2050 Transportation Policy Plan Draft Changes in Response to Comments (Jed Hanson, MTS)

Items of TAB members

Other Business


*           Agenda item changed following initial publication

Committee information

Transportation Advisory Board

Committee contact:

Elaine Koutsoukos
[email protected]