Transportation Committee Meeting

Regular Meeting
March 27, 2023 | 4:00 p.m.
Location: Robert Street Council Chambers - Directions
Minutes (PDF)


Call to Order

  1. Approval of the Agenda
  2. Approval of March 13, 2023 Transportation Committee minutes

Employee Recognition – Metro Transit

  1. Metro Transit General Manager


  1. Metropolitan Transportation Services Director
  2. Metro Transit General Manager
  3. Transportation Advisory Board (TAB)

Consent Business

  1. 2023-76: 2023-2026 TIP Amendment: Four Project Changes (Joe Barbeau 651-602-1705)
  2. 2023-77: 2023-2026 TIP Amendment: Chisago County US 8 Project Extension into Washington County (Joe Barbeau 651-602-1705)

Non-Consent Business

  1. 2023-60: METRO F Line – Authorization to Release Recommended Corridor Plan for Public Comment (Jake Knight 612-349-7546)
  2. 2023-69: METRO Green Line Extension Civil Construction Change Order Authority Cumulative Cap Increase (Jim Alexander 612-373-3880)
  3. 2023-71: 2023 Unified Planning Work Program Amendment 1 (Amy Vennewitz 651-602-1058 Dave Burns 651-602-1887)  


  1. Metro Transit 2023 Strategic Plan Overview (Lesley Kandaras 612-349-7513, Celina Martina 612-349-7582)



JT:       Joint business item; presented at two or more committees prior to being presented at Council
SW:      Action taken by the Council and Committee the same week
*           Agenda item changed following initial publication

Committee information

Transportation Committee

Committee contact:

Becky Gorell
[email protected]