Project Alert
Project Update - September 23, 2022 - Updated construction information. See Project Updates below.
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Construction Project Updates
Construction work at the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (ES) Rogers Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) began in April of 2021. The project was awarded to Shaw Lundquist Associates.
Main project elements include a new backup generator, security upgrades, PLC replacement, and upgrades to employee space.
The work of the contractor for the project to upgrade the ES Rogers WWTF has been largely completed as the project rolls into fall of 2022. The summer months saw the completion of the last remaining items, commissioning of systems, and gathering of record documents and operations manuals.
There are a few remaining items and training to close out the project, which will occur over the next few months, and a couple of items to clean up the site. Otherwise, most of the project work is completed, and the project will be formally closing out in the next few months.

Facility Acquisition
On October 23, 2018, the Rogers City Council adopted a resolution requesting that ES acquire its wastewater treatment plant through an acquisition agreement. Acquisition of the Rogers Wastewater Treatment Plant was identified in the 2040 Water Resources Policy Plan and was included in 2016 in the City of Rogers’ approved 2030 Comprehensive Plan Amendment.
On July 1, 2019, ES acquired the Rogers Wastewater Treatment Facility and began joint operations with the City of Rogers. In 2020, ES will be solely in charge of the facility and operate it until construction of a new regional wastewater plant on a site about two miles west of the existing treatment plant. ES proposes to construct the new Crow River Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant by 2030; the plant would serve Rogers and portions of Dayton and Corcoran.

Project Description
Since the acquisition of the facility on July 1, 2019, ES has been working a series of small changes to the facility to bring it in line with other ES facilities. The work includes the installation of a backup generator, upgrades to the employee space to include shower facilities and restrooms, and upgrades to the SCADA system to bring it in line with other ES facilities. The project was awarded in early 2021 with construction starting in early Spring 2021.

Rogers Project Overview (PDF)
Rogers Project Map (PDF)