
Goal: Become a region with a broader housing spectrum where all people can thrive.

For long-term housing priorities, the Metropolitan Council bases its strategies on its 2040 Housing Policy Plan. The 2040 Housing Policy Plan presents multiple strategies that advance the Metropolitan Council’s overall housing policy priority: Create housing options that give people in all stages of life and of all economic means viable choices for safe, stable, and affordable homes. The objectives below encompass more immediate strategies the Council will prioritize through 2022.

Measurable Outcomes


1. Increase Council funding levels dedicated to affordable housing.

2. Increase total number of affordable housing units produced with Council funding.

                                                                                              Total LCA Grants awarded and affordable units supported
Metropolitan Council primarily supports affordable housing production and preservation through our Livable Communities Act grant programs.

The program is a voluntary, incentive-based approach to help communities grow and redevelop, and to address the region’s affordable and lifecycle housing needs. To compete for LCA funding, communities must negotiate long-term affordable and lifecycle housing goals with the Council and develop a Housing Action Plan to accomplish these goals.


4. Increase homeownership rates by race/ethnicity.

                                                                                                   Homeownership rates by race/ethnicity

Disparities in homeownership by race and ethnicity are longstanding and significant, especially between White and Black households. Few meaningful gains were made in homeownership among households of color since 1990—in fact, most non-white groups show decline over this 40-year time period. Among large U.S. metros, include those considered peer regions, the Twin Cities region’s racial disparities in homeownership are the largest (usually ranking as first or second in disparity size.)