Metro Solids Public Hearing Summary
August 30, 2018
Metropolitan Council Environmental Services hosted a public hearing and received comments on the Draft Metro Plant Solids Management Improvements Facility Plan on August 30, 2018 from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM at the Wellstone Center in Saint Paul.
The Metropolitan Water Resource Recovery Facility is located three miles southeast of downtown Saint Paul. The Metropolitan Water Resource Recovery Facility needs additional solids processing capacity to preserve existing wastewater treatment plant infrastructure and serve regional population growth. Metropolitan Council Environmental Services proposes to construct a fourth incinerator, followed by renewal of existing incineration facilities which was found to be the most cost-effective and sustainable alternative to meet the region’s wastewater needs.
Attendees were able to review informational materials and provide formal public comments. The presentation of the public hearing covered the following topics:
- Background, project location, and need for additional solids processing capacity at the Metropolitan Water Resource Recovery Facility
- How the existing facilities process solids at the Metropolitan Water Resource Recovery Facility
- Solids processing alternatives that were considered and factors used in the alternative selection
- Recommend plan from Metropolitan Water Resource Recovery Facility Solids Management Facility Plan
- Impact on rates and schedule for Metropolitan Water Resource Recovery Facility Solids Management Facility Plan
A copy of the agenda, presentation slides, and public comments received during the public comment period with Met Council responses are attached.
Metropolitan Council Environmental Services has responded to the public comments received and is proceeding with its recommended plan. Metropolitan Council Environmental Services staff recommends that the Metropolitan Council adopt the Metropolitan Water Resource Recovery Facility Solids Management Improvements Facility Plan, Met Council Project 806210, by formal Council resolution. This recommendation will be reviewed at the Environmental Committee Meeting and Council Meeting on September 25 and October 10 respectively.
For more information or to ask questions, contact Metropolitan Council Environmental Services: