Metropolitan Council Meeting

Regular Meeting
January 22, 2025 | 4:00 p.m.
Location: Metropolitan Council Chambers, 390 Robert St. N., Saint Paul, MN 55101 – Directions
Minutes (PDF)


Call to order

  1. Approval of the agenda
  2. Approval of January 8, 2025, Metropolitan Council minutes

Public invitation

Interested persons may address the Council on matters not on the agenda. Pre-register at [email protected]. Each speaker is limited to a three-minute presentation.


  1. Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) Update (Brian Ryks, CEO of MAC)

Non-consent business

  1. 2025-002 JT SW: Special January Budget Amendment (Ned Smith, Chief Financial Officer, 651-602-1162) Roll call vote

Consent business

  1. 2025-1: 2025 Annual Public Housing Agency Plan Approval (Terri Smith 651-602-1187)
  2. 2025-4: Metro Transit Agency Safety Plans (Andrew Brody 651-602-1671)
  3. 2025-5: Metropolitan Transportation Services (MTS) Agency Safety Plan (ASP) (Andrew Brody 651-602-1671) 
  4. 2025-7: Contract Amendment Authorization, Contract 23M006 - Transit Planning Software (Shaun Morrell 612-349-7706)
  5. 2025-8: Security Officer Services, Contract 24P168 (John Young 651-602-8281)
  6. 2025-9: Adoption of Facility Plan for the Coon Rapids Interceptor Rehabilitation, Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Project, Number 808609 (Tim Wedin, 651-602-4571) Resolution 2025-1
  7. 2025-10: Adoption of Facility Plan for the Forest Lake Interceptor 7029 Rehabilitation Project, Project No. 808603 (Chris Remus, 651-602-4538) Resolution 2025-2
  8. 2025-11: Metro Plant Fourth Incinerator Design Build Project, Contract 21P055 (Rene Heflin 651-602-1077, Stephen Norton 651-602-1551)
  9. 2025-12: 2025-2028 Streamlined TIP Amendment: Sherburne County Government Center Electric Vehicles and Charging Stations (Robbie King 651-602-1380) 
  10. 2025-13: 2025-2028 Streamlined TIP Amendment: Ramsey County and Saint Louis Park Projects Cost Increases (Robbie King 651-602-1380) 
  11. 2025-14: 2025-2028 Streamlined TIP Amendment: New Hennepin County Charging Ports and MnDOT NEVI Program Charging Stations (Joe Barbeau 651-602-1705) 
  12. 2025-15: Regional Significant 2025-2028 TIP Amendment – I-494 E-ZPass Extension and Improvements (Robbie King 651-602-1380) 
  13. 2025-16: Regional Travel Demand Management (TDM) Program Software-as-a-Service Upgrade (Wendy Duren 651-602-1701, Theresa Cain 612-349-7538)
  14. 2025-18: 2025 Metropass License (Contract) Renewals – Customer Contracts Exceeding $500,000 for Term of Agreement (Dustin Crescini 612-349-7718)
  15. 2025-20: Procurement of Forty-Five Foot Coach Buses, Contract 25PO36-MVTA (Jodi Janssen 651-602-1103, Paul Colton 651-602-1668)
  16. 2025-21: Procurement of Small Buses, Contract 25P210 (Jodi Janssen 651-602-1103, Paul Colton 651-602-1668)
  17. 2025-26: Ratification of Emergency Declaration of Interceptor 1-SP-234 (Tim Wedin, 651-602-4571)
  18. 2025-27: Review of Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) 2025-2031 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) (Joe Widing, 651-602-1822)
  19. 2025-28: Adoption of Highway Safety Performance Targets (Jed Hanson 651-602-1716)

Non-consent business – Reports of standing committees


Community Development

       1.  No reports.


       1.  No reports.


        1. No reports.


  1. 2025-22: Procurement of Replacement and Expansion Heavy Duty Buses, Contract 25P211 (Jodi Janssen 651-602-1103, Paul Colton 651-602-1668)

Joint reports

  1. No reports.

Other business

  1. No reports.


  1. Zero Emission Bus Transition Plan Update (Jim Harwood 612-349-7339, Jeremiah Riter 612-349-5005)


  1. Chair
  2. Council Members
  3. Regional Administrator
  4. General Counsel


Additional notes:
Items listed under the Consent Agenda will be enacted by one motion with no separate discussion. If discussion on an item is desired, the item could be removed from the Consent Agenda for separate consideration.
JT:       Joint business item; presented at two or more committees prior to being presented at Council
SW:      Action taken by the Council and Committee the same week
*           Agenda item changed following initial publication

Council contact:
Ginger Fride, Recording Secretary
[email protected]

Committee information

Metropolitan Council

Committee contact:

Ryan O'Connor, Regional Administrator
[email protected]