Transportation Advisory Board Meeting

Regular Meeting
February 19, 2025 | 12:30 p.m.
Location: Robert Street Council Chambers - Directions


Call to Order

  1. Approval of the Agenda

Public Invitation

Invitation to interested persons to address the Transportation Advisory Board. Pre-register at [email protected]. Each speaker is limited to a three-minute presentation.

Reports (12:35-1:00)

  1. TAB Chair’s Report – Jim Hovland, Chair
  2. Agency Reports – MnDOT, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Metropolitan Airports Commission, Metropolitan Council, Suburban Transit Association
  3. TAC Report (Joe MacPherson, TAC Chair)  

Approval of Minutes (1:00-1:05)

  1. Approval of January 15, 2025, Transportation Advisory Board minutes

Consent Business (1:05-1:10)

  1. 2025-08: 2025-2028 Streamlined TIP Amendment: MnDOT’s CSAH 83 Dual Turn Lane Study Consultant Services
  2. 2025-09: 2025-2028 Streamlined TIP Amendment: MnDOT’s I-394 Auxiliary Lane, Bridge, Retaining Wall, Signal, and Intersection Modification Project

Non-Consent Business (1:10-1:50)

  1. 2025-05: Adoption of Adjusted Infrastructure Federal Performance Measures (Joe MacPherson, TAC Chair)
  2. 2025-06: Program Year Extension Request: Columbia Height's Central Avenue Lighting and Pedestrian Improvements (Joe MacPherson, TAC Chair)
  3. 2025-07: Program Year Extension Request: Minneapolis' Whittier Neighborhood Safety Improvements (Joe MacPherson, TAC Chair)
  4. 2024-40: Scope Change Policy Update (Joe MacPherson, TAC Chair)
  5. 2024-41: Program Year Policy Update (Joe MacPherson, TAC Chair)

Information (1:50-2:25)

  1. Regional Solicitation Evaluation
    • Policymaker Workgroup (Jim Hovland, Chair; Steve Peterson, MTS)
    • Active Transportation Workgroup (Glen Johnson, Chair)
      • Request volunteers to serve on the work group
  2. Regional Transportation and Climate Change Multimodal Measures Study (Tony Fischer, MTS Planning)

Items of TAB members


Other Business



*           Agenda item changed following initial publication

Committee information

Transportation Advisory Board

Committee contact:

Elaine Koutsoukos
[email protected]