After you submit your data request using our online request portal, you will receive an email confirming that your request was submitted and is entered into our data request work tracking system.
Our Data Practices Office will communicate with you using the email included in your request. In addition to responses to your data request, our communications with you may also include requests for clarification, cost estimates for copies, and time estimates based on the size and scope of your data request and our existing workload.
We will respond to requests from data subjects immediately if we can, or within 10 business days. We will respond to all other data requests within a reasonable time. The size, scope, and type of data you request can impact the time it takes us to reasonably respond. If it will take some time to respond to your request, we will let you know and will tell you when you will be able to access or receive the data.
We will make the data available for inspection or provide copies upon request. Depending on your preferences and our capabilities, we will schedule a time for you to view data in our offices; share the data as described in our response email; or mail the data to you. Because the Metropolitan Council is required by law to preserve public records and documents, a Metropolitan Council employee may be with you when you inspect the data. If you want copies, an employee will make copies. We may charge you if the copies result in costs under our copy costs procedure.
We will inform you if we cannot share data with you. If the Metropolitan Council has data that you request but cannot share some or all the data with you due to its classification under the Data Practices Act or another law, we will tell you why you cannot see or have copies of data. The Metropolitan Council will tell you the specific statutory section, temporary data classification, or federal law that classifies the data as not public.
We will provide a cost estimate if your request for copies will incur charges. If you have requested copies and your request is likely to result in copy costs, we will provide you with an estimate before we begin the work. Our copy costs procedure contains information about costs of data requests. If you do not wish to pay the estimated costs, you can work with our Data Practices Office to find ways to reduce the costs.
We do not need to respond to another request for the same data for six months. After you have seen your private data and been informed of its meaning, the Metropolitan Council is not required to disclose that data for six months, unless there is a dispute over the data or if additional data about you have been collected or created.
We will consider your data request closed if you do not respond when we have questions or tell you that your request is complete. If you do not respond within 30 business days when we ask for clarification about your data request, we will consider your request closed. If you do not arrange to inspect the data or pay for copies within 30 business days when we tell you that your data request is complete, we will consider your request closed.