Why We Matter

Fostering a prosperous region

The educated, mobile workforce of the future can choose to live anywhere. Successful regions attract skilled workers by providing a high quality of life: a healthy environment, clean water, convenient transit options, parks for recreation and exercise, and housing options.

The Twin Cities region is a great place to live, work, raise a family, and do business. We aim to keep it that way, and we continue to improve it.

Our work enhances our quality of life and economic competitiveness:



Plant Water Tanks

Clean water and wastewater treatment

Gateway Lofts

Planning and development

Biker In Park


New Building


  • Our Housing Policy Plan identifies regional housing needs and priorities, connects housing to other Council system plans, and provides guidance for local housing planning.

  • Our Metro HRA provides affordable housing for 7,200 households with low incomes in nearly 100 communities.