Corridors of Opportunity
Transitway development to grow a prosperous, equitable, and sustainable region
The Corridors of Opportunity initiative brought stakeholders together to focus on the shared goal of promoting development along the region’s emerging transitway system to advance economic vitality and benefit people of all incomes and backgrounds.
Leaders from state, regional and local government, philanthropy, non-profits, and the business community
Corridors of Opportunity received funding through a $5 million Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and $2.7 million in grants and $13 million in loans from the Living Cities Integration Initiative.
The Corridors of Opportunity used funding to:
- Develop corridor strategies for development to support transitways at different stages.
- Pilot new methods of community engagement.
- Finance development projects.
- Provide small business loans.
- Additionally, partners shared their expertise, financial resources and the powers of their roles to advance the Corridors of Opportunity goals.
Partnership for Regional Opportunity
During 2014, additional partners joined with many previous participants of Corridors of Opportunity to create a year-long Partnership for Regional Opportunity. This partnership worked on four focus areas: Shared Prosperity, Transit-Oriented Development, Racial Equity and Community Engagement, and Transportation Funding.
Final Reports
Learn more about the impact of the Corridors of Opportunity work on changes to funding criteria, resource alignment, policy revisions, and transitway planning in the following documents: