Customer Budget and Annual Update

Metropolitan Council Environmental Services hosts budget and annual update events to share preliminary rate information with our 111 customer communities, as well as to provide information on our capital program and our strategies for managing rate increases. We share customer feedback from these forums with the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services General Manager, Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Leadership Team, and the Met Council Environment Committee.



The 2024 Environmental Services Customer Budget and Annual Update in-person session was held May 21, and the virtual session was held June 6.  

Meeting materials:

An email was sent in May with a summary of your community’s municipal wastewater charge (MWC).  For MWC questions, please contact [email protected] or Kyle Colvin at 651-602-1151.  Information on past municipal wastewater charges is available on the Rates and Charges page.


For more information about the Customer Budget and Annual Update events, please contact Jami Haider.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 651-602-4703