Transportation Advisory Board Meeting

Regular Meeting
January 15, 2025 | 12:30 p.m.
Location: Robert Street Council Chambers - Directions
Minutes (PDF)


Call to Order

  1. Approval of the Agenda

Public Invitation

Invitation to interested persons to address the Transportation Advisory Board. Pre-register at [email protected]. Each speaker is limited to a three-minute presentation.

Reports (12:35-1:00)

  1. TAB Chair’s Report – Jim Hovland, Chair
    • Recognize outgoing TAB members
  2. Agency Reports – MnDOT, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Metropolitan Airports Commission, Metropolitan Council, Suburban Transit Association
  1. TAC Report (Joe MacPherson, TAC Chair)
  2. Introduction of MTS Staff (Amy Vennewitz, MTS)

Approval of Minutes (1:00-1:05)

  1. Approval of December 18, 2024, Transportation Advisory Board minutes

Consent Business (1:05-1:10)

  1. 2025-03: Streamlined 2025-2028 TIP Amendment – MnDOT’s I-94 & I-35E Bridge Improvements Project Cost Reduction
  2. 2025-04: Streamlined 2025-2028 TIP Amendment – MnDOT’s Section 5310 Bus Purchases  

Non-Consent Business (1:10-1:15)

  1. 2025-01: TAB Executive Committee (Jim Hovland, TAB Chair)
  2. 2025-02: Adoption of Imagine 2050 Transportation Policy Plan and Public Comment Report  (Jed Hanson, MTS)

Information (1:15-2:25)

  1. Regional Solicitation Evaluation
    • Policymaker Workgroup (Jim Hovland, Chair; Steve Peterson, MTS; Joe MacPherson, TAC Chair)
    • Active Transportation Workgroup (Glen Johnson, Chair)
  2. ABRT Update (Katie Roth and Kyle O’Donnell Burrows, Metro Transit)
  3. Minneapolis Vision Zero (Ethan Fawley, Minneapolis)

Items of TAB members

Other Business


*           Agenda item changed following initial publication

Committee information

Transportation Advisory Board

Committee contact:

Elaine Koutsoukos
[email protected]