Transportation Advisory Board Meeting
Call to Order
- Approval of the Agenda
Public Invitation
Invitation to interested persons to address the Transportation Advisory Board. Pre-register at
[email protected]. Each speaker is limited to a three-minute presentation.
Reports (12:35-1:00)
- TAB Chair’s Report – Jim Hovland, Chair
- Recognize outgoing TAB members
- Agency Reports – MnDOT, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Metropolitan Airports Commission, Metropolitan Council, Suburban Transit Association
- TAC Report (Joe MacPherson, TAC Chair)
- Introduction of MTS Staff (Amy Vennewitz, MTS)
Approval of Minutes (1:00-1:05)
- Approval of December 18, 2024, Transportation Advisory Board minutes
Consent Business (1:05-1:10)
- 2025-03: Streamlined 2025-2028 TIP Amendment – MnDOT’s I-94 & I-35E Bridge Improvements Project Cost Reduction
- 2025-04: Streamlined 2025-2028 TIP Amendment – MnDOT’s Section 5310 Bus Purchases
Non-Consent Business (1:10-1:15)
- 2025-01: TAB Executive Committee (Jim Hovland, TAB Chair)
- 2025-02: Adoption of Imagine 2050 Transportation Policy Plan and Public Comment Report (Jed Hanson, MTS)
Information (1:15-2:25)
- Regional Solicitation Evaluation
- Policymaker Workgroup (Jim Hovland, Chair; Steve Peterson, MTS; Joe MacPherson, TAC Chair)
- Active Transportation Workgroup (Glen Johnson, Chair)
- ABRT Update (Katie Roth and Kyle O’Donnell Burrows, Metro Transit)
- Minneapolis Vision Zero (Ethan Fawley, Minneapolis)
Items of TAB members
Other Business
* Agenda item changed following initial publication