Real Estate Acquisition & Relocation Assistance
Information for property owners and renters
The Metropolitan Council provides services to the Twin Cities region that sometimes require it to acquire land, buildings or easements from private owners. Minnesota law gives the Council authority to buy, condemn, own, and sell real property as needed for public improvement projects.
We know that moving from your residence or business can be inconvenient and traumatic. We will do our best to make your relocation go as smoothly as possible.
Your rights
Documents on this page describe the acquisition and relocation process, and benefits available to property owners and renters who must relocate if the Council needs their property for a public improvement project.
Relocation assistance
Find benefits available to people who are displaced from their home or business:
Section I: Benefits available when you are displaced from your home describes who is eligible, moving expenses, purchase supplement or rental assistance, and much more.
Section II: Reimbursements to Displaced Businesses, Farms and Nonprofit Organizations covers topics such as reimbursements options for moving costs, reestablishment expenses, and much more.
Section III: Services Providing Relocation Assistance addresses relocation assistance services, benefits and taxes, right of appeal, and more
Relocation Assistance: Your Rights and Benefits (PDF, 18 pages)