Take moment and imagine…
Imagine a region where everyone has a home to go to… that is affordable, safe, and secure.
A wastewater treatment system that provides clean, and abundant water. Remember – Minnesota is known for its watershed, whether our lakes, or the mighty Mississippi. Water is sacred and critical for life.
Imagine a park system, where families can explore, kids can run and play, and people of all ages, and abilities can join together as one community.
Imagine a transit system that allows you to not be dependent on a car, with easy and close access, allowing you to get to your destinations quickly and effectively. Who knows, maybe meeting new friends along the way.
Imagine living in a community where everyone feels heard and supported, but most of all, valued for what they bring for greater good of the entire state. Everyone brings value to a community no matter who they are, or where they came from.
Imagine, a region that is the envy of the nation, for its ability to come together as individuals, partnering for all, tackling challenges that many cities across the nations cannot achieve.
For this region – it’s not an aspiration – it’s a plan.
With a population of more than three million, the 7-county region with 181 cities, more than 300 languages are spoken.
With more than one-thousand lakes and more than 56 thousand acres of land open for public use, there are places to roam and explore- even in the heart of many cities.
Believe it or not, while we are considered a “metropolitan region,” more than half our region is still considered agriculture – but that is changing. Most of the growth we are experiencing is through immigration and in many ways fueling the economy and changing the face of Minnesota.
We must change with it… This is why the Met Council exists – to help manage the growth in this region in a way that is collaborative and methodical because no one community can do this alone.
It’s hard work …. But I know everyone in this room is up for the challenge.
We can’t just imagine… we have to “do.”
You heard the Governor talk about his one “Minnesota plan.”
Now it’s our turn – to show you how the work we are doing is connected to that vision.
It’s called “Imagine 2050” our next regional development guide which is being developed as we speak to create and sustain a prosperous, equitable and resilient region with abundant opportunities for all to live, work, and thrive.
This Regional Development Guide will lay out the region’s values and vision for 2050 and the goals needed to achieve it, given the region’s existing conditions and emerging trends.
How do we do this?
By leading this work following a set of guidelines
Our region is economically and culturally vibrant. We also recognize, however, the disparities and injustices, including racism, have created.
We are dedicated to creating systems, policies, and programs that repair and heal past harm, foster an equitable future, and eliminate disparities.
We value those, like all of you in this room, who inspire and motivate others for positive change. Our region is known for its civic engagement. We need broad and inclusive leadership to help confront the significant challenges we face around equity, climate change, safety, and other pressing issues.
To maximize the potential of our region and its communities, it’s critical we have diverse, collaborative, culturally competent, and innovative leadership. We can’t do this alone. We encourage this kind of leadership across all sectors including business, government, non-profit, and education.
At the Met Council – we know we must be effective in our work and achieve measurable outcomes. While our region is known for its research, initiatives, and collaborations, we must be open to criticism and clearly understand when we are not achieving results.
We recognize we can maximize our effectiveness by being in partnership with others. We must also be transparent and flexible so we can change course when needed.
We value our region’s resources which include natural, economic, and infrastructure. These resources may be vulnerable over time to shifting conditions, including climate change.
We must design our systems, no matter how complicated, and allocate resources in ways are sustainable and support the needs of future generations.
The work we do – in collaboration with each and every one of you in this room is profound.
Simply put, it’s about working together to achieve common ground and common goals.
Together, we represent and strive to support the hopes, dreams, hard work and, ultimately, the success of the residents, businesses and others served by nearly 190 municipal entities.
That said, we all know working together on hard, complex issues sometimes comes with tensions, divided opinions on how things should be done. That’s not unusual in collaborative relationships, in fact, I think it’s necessary when building and sustaining healthy communities.
The Met Council has endorsed the following goals to make Imagine 2050 a success.
Are our existing transportation conditions equitable and inclusive? What emerging conditions impact our ability to meet our goal of an equitable and inclusive region, through the lens of transportation?
About half a million more people will be living, working, and moving around the Twin Cities region by 2040. They’re going to need options. We’re going to need a transportation system with choices and more mobility.
Our transportation system needs to work for everyone, connecting people to jobs, school, appointments, everyday needs, and social occasions. The Met Council brings together counties, cities, and townships to address these needs and create a shared vision for our transportation system.
Our investments in transit come from data and our customers. What routes and what frequencies do our riders need to get to their destinations? The region’s light rail routes were developed with input and direction from our local partners. Our bus rapid transit routes have been popular with ridership exceeding projections.
In 2022, the Transportation Advisory Board granted federal funding to 91 total projects across the region, allocating $350 million to 55 cities and all 7 metro region counties. These are investments in roads, bridges, and transit, as well as biking and walking.
Let’s face it, building large transportation infrastructure projects take foresight, commitment, and courage.
That’s because they’re hard, they’re noisy, disruptive, but most of all, TRANSFORMATIVE.
Good transit infrastructure projects create significant economic stimulus compared to other forms of spending. In addition to the positive economic impact of high frequency transit, transit also supports a healthier environment and allows the region to grow thoughtfully along these lines.
For example, we know between 2009 and 2022, there were more than $44 billion worth of development permits issued. Of that $44 billion, $16 billion have been permitted near light rail, bus rapid transit or high frequency bus routes.
All told, the permitted value of development within transit corridors represents 37 percent of the development that has been permitted for the region as a whole. And here’s the kicker, it’s all happening on just 3.2 percent of the region’s land area.
Another wonderful outcome of our transit investments is the building of life-cycle housing. More than 53 thousand multifamily units have been permitted near high frequency transit. Let me say that again, 53 thousand multi-family units. This represents 40 percent of multifamily units in the region. Why is this important? Because we know many of our neighbors are burdened by the rising costs of housing and transportation. This attempts to reduce the cost for both and make our communities more affordable and welcoming for all kinds of people and families.
This would not have happened had it not been for investing in infrastructure.
It’s important to acknowledge the complexity of building the largest public works project in the history of Minnesota is undeniable. When challenges arise, we must acknowledge and respond with authenticity and sincerity. I’m proud to say that the Green Line Extension project is on solid ground. With more than 70 percent of civil construction completed, the project is fully funded and is slated to open in 2027.
Other projects like Gold Line – Purple Line and Blue Line will also make our region more sustainable and connected. We strongly believe the long-term benefits of this project to the region and state outweigh the short-term challenges it has faced.
At the end of the day – the challenges are worth it because we are building a transportation vision for an entire region. As commuter and workplace pattersn change, it’s vital this remains a link for people to get where they need to go.
Transit also runs in public spaces and public problems show up on our doorstep. To address this complex issue, the Met Council endorsed the Safety and Security Action Plan in June 2022, and our Chief, Ernest Morales III, started one year ago. He’s riding the train, talking to riders, and leading his department of police officers and Community Service Officers to address the issues that lead our riders to report feeling unsafe.
In addition to the presence provided by the Metro Transit police department, we launched Transit Rider Investment program in February. We’re already hearing positive feedback from customers and seeing movement in the right direction.
Reported crimes fell 25 percent from the first to the last quarter of 2023. The most serious crimes including homicide, sex offenses, robbery, and assault dropped 13 percent in 2023. Officer-initiated calls rose 23 percent in that same time, while the number of dispatched calls fell 24 percent – a result of proactive policing.
Customer complaints related to public safety on light rail decreased by 44 percent in 2023. The introduction of the administrative citations program for fare non-payment, resulting in almost 21,000 fare inspections and more than 1,100 citations so far since its launch in December 2023.
Finally - ridership has grown to nearly 45 million total rides and an average weekday ridership of nearly 137,000.
While we like this trend, this work will never end – Our system is far safer than it was once year ago, and I’m confident it will be safer next year. That’s because providing a welcoming and safe experience on transit is our highest priority. We know from listening to our riders and staff that having a strong, official presence on transit is one of the best things we can do to achieve that goal.
Are existing housing conditions currently equitable and inclusive?
Residents in our region need homes they can afford and it’s no secret the housing market is less affordable than a decade ago. That’s why the Met Council recognizes an “all of the above approach.” Build more homes through Livable Communities Program and partnerships with Minnesota Housing. Utilize federal funding to build more rent-controlled homes. And support housing choice through our distribution of housing choice vouchers and single-family programs and our new affordable homeownership program.
Just last month the Met Council awarded funding to housing projects in more than half the counties in the region/four of seven counties in the region through the Livable Communities Grant program. The housing developments include supportive services, and often includes partnerships between communities and nonprofit organizations. This expands affordable housing choices for households earning 50 percent of area median income or less.
We also award funds that support affordable rental and ownership housing opportunities. We kicked off the year with $5.3 million that helps fund new construction and preserve existing homes. These funds went to eight city applicants, including Brooklyn Center, Carver, Edina, Golden Valley, Maplewood, Minneapolis, Minnetonka, and Saint Paul.
This means our housing investments are truly regional. We make investments in communities across the region, whether they are revitalizing older parts of the region, developing new city centers in suburban areas, any everywhere in between.
Are existing regional parks currently equitable and inclusive?
One of our region’s great assets is our open space. Wild as well as developed park spaces serve as destinations for millions of residents and visitors. As a region, we’ve invested in facilities and programs to ensure we are meeting the needs of all residents, and I do mean ALL residents. Our data clearly shows there are disparities as to who visits and who can physically access our treasured green spaces.
Here, too, we see collaboration to achieve objectives. At Cedar Lake Farm Regional Park in Scott County, people who already enjoy fishing and camping can now anticipate fun new experiences thanks to two upgrade projects performed in partnership between the county outside organizations.
In line with our commitment to recognize and honor parks on the lands of native peoples, the Met Council partnered with regional parks to provide artwork and signage in indigenous languages.
When Mother Nature wouldn’t partner with winter lovers this year, we joined forces with Ramsey County to ensure there was snow for the high school Nordic State Ski Championship this year at Battle Creek. This result was a major regional event!
While we’re proud of this high school championship, big congratulations are order for the City of Minneapolis and Theodore Wirth Park which went to almost miraculous lengths to bring an international Nordic competition to this region featuring our own Minnesota Olympic medalist and Cross-Country World Cup skier Jessie Diggins!
Are existing water conditions currently equitable and inclusive?
On its surface – some may think wastewater is probably the least exciting part of the Met Council’s role in driving collaboration for our region’s future prosperity.
Nothing could be farther from the truth! The availability and stewardship of water is at the heart of our growth and prosperity.
Thanks to tough water system planning decisions made in the past with broad collaboration, our region is benefitting not only from thoughtful growth, but in ways we couldn’t have predicted. When it comes to water, we are ahead of the curve and viewed as a national role model.
The planning around wastewater treatment, water supply and surface water quality represents our broadest area of partnership and collaboration. We work with state and federal agencies, local and county governments, watershed management organizations, interest groups, and the public to protect the region’s water resources as the region continues to grow. While municipalities run their own water supply systems, the Council’s planning and data resources inform its efforts.
The state-funded Water Efficiency Grant Program is nearly a decade old. This very successful local government/Met Council partnership helps residents, businesses and local governments reduce water use by replacing water-using devices with high-efficiency alternatives.
Participating communities have saved an estimated 40 million gallons of water in just the first year of the current program, savings that will be ongoing and built as more high-efficiency devices are installed. Local governments have the freedom to design and tailor this program to meet local needs and match local capacity!
And if there was a small bright spot to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was the opportunity to help people appreciate the value our region’s wastewater treatment system provides. Our wastewater lab was able to track and share viral data on COVID rates which was helpful to public health officials and a model for other regions. Ongoing, we will continue to collect and test wastewater samples for even more health-related data markers in collaboration with the University of Minnesota and Minnesota Department of Health.
At the end of the day, the work we do may not seem very glamorous. It’s complex, and necessary, and the Met Council was formed for these very reasons. A community of collaboration setting out to find solutions – together, because to make this metro area the best it can be –No one community can do it alone.
Thanks to the commitment and partnership from all of you in this room, we’re tackling many of our region’s toughest issues and, as I outlined today, making a difference for today and for the long term.
I hope each of you here today – see reasons to celebrate and see the value of working together with a broad regional vision.
As part of our commitment to this work, we will be coming to your community. As the Governor says, your voice matters. I’m committed to partnering with all of you to create a region that truly is the envy of the nation. We have the resources, but most of all, people like you who truly believe Minnesota is a great state.
Thank you for being here. Thank you for being our partners, but most of all, thank you for your commitment to this outstanding region.