Young leaders share their visions for the region Young people will help guide the creation of the 2050 regional development guide, ensuring the guide is informed by those who will be most affected by its policies. June 26, 2023
Pandemic and decline in migration result in changes to forecasted regional growth A lot can change in a few years, especially when a pandemic disrupts the global, national, and local economies. We now project slower growth in the number of people and jobs than previous updates. April 17, 2023
Met Council to make $27.5 million available in Livable Communities grants in 2023 Helping cities and townships prosper to ensure a thriving, vibrant region is at the core of the Livable Communities program. March 12, 2023
Grants support brownfield cleanup and affordable housing 15 initiatives will receive Livable Communities program grants totaling more than $5 million for to help them achieve their goals of economic prosperity, job creation, housing choices, and mobility. January 17, 2023
Grants support affordable housing and transit-oriented development 13 development projects received Met Council grant awards totaling nearly $15 million. December 16, 2022
Livable Communities grants support innovation and equity Four are predevelopment grants for development that conserves energy and supports diverse communities; two of the grants support local policies on zoning and sustainability. September 16, 2022
Grants support jobs, housing, and economic development The Metropolitan Council has awarded $2.6 million in polluted-site cleanup grants to nine projects that promote redevelopment and economic opportunity in the region. July 14, 2022
Predevelopment planning grants awarded to BIPOC-focused projects Four Livable Communities grants total $475,000 are from an account in the Livable Communities program that funds project feasibility studies, site planning, and community engagement work. June 22, 2022