Growing Shade
Tree canopy enhancement and preservation tool
Trees help communities thrive.
Trees provide shade to cool us and habitat for wildlife, improve air quality and mental health, and help create healthy and resilient places.
Not all communities, however, receive equal benefits from tree cover. Some communities in the region have less than 10% tree canopy, while other communities have over 50% tree canopy. Lack of shade trees creates hotter neighborhoods and can increase premature deaths because of heat. Climate change-related hazards disproportionately impact vulnerable residents living in areas of historic disinvestment. Serving our communities better requires tree canopy management that is targeted, equitable, and recognizes how various issues intersect to compound historic inequities.
Growing Shade is an application that provides data on the amount of tree cover in metro communities and neighborhoods. It describes the connections between tree cover and issues like climate change, conservation, environmental justice, and public health.
The Growing Shade tool helps planners, foresters, advocacy and neighborhood groups, and regular people make decisions about where and how to preserve and enhance tree canopy. The tool was developed with the Nature Conservancy and Tree Trust.