Policy Agenda A Policy Agenda outlining policy solution framework by Equity in Place
Planning for Equity Policy Guide An equity policy guide by the American Planning Association
National Environmental Justice Policy Scan Local policies for envionmental justice national scan by the Tishman Environment and Design Center
PolicyLink Housing Policy Review A review of housing policy by PolicyLink
Inclusionary Housing Overview A policy focus report on Inclusionary housing by the Lincoln Institute
Structural Racism Remedies Repository Policy-based recommendations for advancing racial equity by Othering & Belonging Institute
Climate Adaptation Tools From the EPA, tools and strategies for communities to implement climate adaptation plans
GreenStep Cities Best Practices Helping Minnesota cities achieve their sustainability goals; lists of best practices provided by topic area
Conservation Design Scorecard (PDF) Tool to help planners, community members, and elected officials measure the balance between conservation and development
Green Values Stormwater Management Calculator Tool from the Center for Neighborhood Technology for planning green infrastructure solutions
LEED for Cities and Communities Social, economic and environmental performance indicators and strategies by LEED
Brownfields Resource Guide Overview of resources available for brownfield redevelopment in Minnesota
Dakota County Redeveloping Brownfields Brownfield redevelopment resources for projects in Dakota County
Hennepin County Environmental Response Fund Redevelopment resources for brownfields projects in Hennepin County
Ramsey County Environmental Response Fund Redevelopment resources for brownfields projects in Ramsey County
Minnesota Department of Employment & Economic Development, Contamination Cleanup & Investigation Program Contamination and cleanup grants offered through DEED
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Cleanup of Contaminated Sites General information from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency on cleaning contamination
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Brownfields Technical assistance and funding information from the EPA
Minnesota Brownfields Nonprofit focused on cleanup and reuse of contaminated land. Includes additional technical and funding resources
Minnesota Lead Contractors and Consultants Information on lead abatement from the Minnesota Department of Health
Minnesota Asbestos Contractors and Consultants Searchable list to locate licensed asbestors contractors or consultants
Kansas State University Technical Assistance to Brownfields Techincal assistance for redeveloping brownfields
Water Conservation Toolbox Council resource to guide the water supply comprehensive plan chapter
Building Energy Modeling U.S. Dept. of Energy tool for building design, code compliance, green certification, qualification for tax credits and utility incentives
Buildings Data and Tools Data and tools from the National Renewable Energy Lab for energy-efficient and cost-effective building design
HomeFree Product Guide Product guide from the Healthy Building Network
Passive House Standards Passive house standards for multi-family housing by LISC
Guide to Green & Healthy Multi-Family Housing Resources for policymakers and advocates by LISC
Metropolitan Council TOD Policy Overview of Metropolitan Council TOD policy
Developer's Guide to TOD (PDF) Overview of TOD principles, how to select TOD sites, TOD development checklist
Handbook for Transit-Oriented Development Grants (PDF) Examples of LCDA-TOD projects with national best practice guidelines
What is TOD? Overview of TOD principles and downloadable TOD scorecard
Saint Paul TOD Guidebook (PDF) TOD Guide to Saint Paul's Central Corridor
Equitable TOD Best Practices Barriers to success and tips for creating more equitable TOD projects
Density & Activity Near Transit (PDF) Density guidelines for station areas
Metro Transit Residential Pass Program Deeply discounted transit pass for multifamily development
Metro Transit Individual Services Resident services by Metro Transit
Complete Streets Resources (PDF) Overview of Complete Street principles with links to additional resources
MnDOT Complete Streets Policy Minnesota TOD policy for Complete Streets design
Shared Parking Best Practices Video (YouTube) Overview of a parking district and tips to develop a shared parking strategy from Metro Transit
Safe Routes to School Description of Safe Routes to School principles with downloadable fact sheet from the Minnesota Department of Health
Bicycle and Pedestrian Investment Direction (PDF) Chapter of the Council Transportation Policy Plan providing information on regional bicycle planning
Regional Bicycle Barriers Study (PDF) Overview of a study done of physical barriers to biking in the region
Metro Transit Resources for Residents Information for communities to get connected to Metro Transit Outreach Specialists
Jim Crow of the North Film from TPT about the history of restrictive covenants and their impact on current development patterns
Mapping Prejudice Resource about restrictive covenants and mapping, they existed in the Twin Cities, and how they shaped development
Equitable Development Scorecard Tool to help communities and project teams include equitable development principles into development projects
Community Benefits Agreement Case Studies (PDF) Overview from the Alliance of Community Benefits Agreements and examples of use in Minnesota
Transformative Equitable Development for Healthy Communities Consecutive series of resources from the Alliance on equitable development
King County Equity Impact Review Tool (PDF) Resource to assess potential impacts of a project or policy on equity
EcoDistricts Protocol Framework to include equity, resilience, and climate protection into development projects
Health Impact Assessment (HIA) (PDF) Overview of the HIA process and examples of HIAs completed in Minnesota
Livability Index Tool from AARP's Public Policy Institute to measure different categories of community livability
JUST Program Program to help organizations optimize policies to improve social equity
Community Benefits Agreements Toolkit Toolkit from LISC about Community Benefits Agreements
Community First Toolkit Toolkit from the High Line Network that helps address inequities caused by infrastructural racism, and shape public spaces that bring social, environmental, and economic benefits to our communities.
Metropolitan Council Engagement Plan Overview of Metropolitan Council public engagement plan with downloadable resources
Metropolitan Council Community Engagement Resources Local Planning Handbook resources on community engagement; go to the "Other" tab and select Community Engagement
Metropolitan Council PlanIt Series Series of past workshop resources on community engagement from the Local Planning Assistance PlanIt series, with presentations and links to external resources
A Public Engagement Primer (PDF) Overview of public engagement and core principles
Nexus Community Engagement Institute Initiative of Nexus Community Partners to support equitable community engagement practices with downloadable resources and training opportunities
Artist-Led Community Engagement Toolkit for artist-led community engagement in your project from Springboard for the Arts
Virtual Community Engagement LISC resource on conducting virtual community engagement
Hennepin County Active Living Technical assistance, toolkit, and funding opportunities for active living designs
New York City Active Design Guidelines Design strategies for active living best practices
Minnesota Complete Streets Coalition Case studies, policy, and additional resources to include complete streets designs in local plans
Smart Growth America Collection of resources focused on providing transportation choice through policy and design
Project for Public Spaces Case studies and resources on placemaking and public markets
Bass Center for Transformative Placemaking Collection of research on placemaking and innovation districts
Gehl Institute Public Life Data Protocol Research tools to better understand public life
How to do Creative Placemaking (PDF) Guide from the National Endowment for the Arts on including arts in community development
Creative Placemaking (PDF) Guide from the National Endowments for the Arts on creative economies and creative placemaking in community development
Universal Design Guide from the ASLA for universal design in the public realm and strategies for more inclusive and accessible public spaces
Livable Communities Library Library of resources on livable communities by AARP
Winter Placemaking Guide Guide from 8-80 Cities on inclusive winter placemaking
Disability Design Report Summary report on disability design by NEA
Missing Middle Pattern Book A guide to developing "Missing Middle" buildings by the City of Norfolk
Socially Connected Communities" Solutions for Social Isolation Recommendations from Healthy Places by Design for socially connected communities
Social Determinants of Health Resources related to social determinants of helath by Healthy People 2020
Neighborhood & Built Environment Connections between neighborhoods and health by MDHHA State Innovations Model
Leveraging the Built Environment for Health Equity Report by the Urban Institute