Travel Demand Management describes a wide range of strategies that support the most efficient use of the transportation system by making personal travel options more flexible, clear, or convenient. These strategies can include promoting travel options like transit, biking, walking, and ridesharing. They can also make it possible to shift from peak-period congested corridors to off-peak periods, or eliminate trips altogether through strategies like telework.
Transportation Management Organizations
Transportation Management Organizations, like I-494 Commuter Services, and local governments within
the region partner with the Metropolitan Council to encourage drivers to choose alternatives to driving alone to and from work. These organizations:
- Are public/private partnerships that share highly congested corridors, such as the I-494 corridor in the southern metro area
- Include employers, building owners, businesses, and local governments
- Work together on strategies, programs, public education, and information to promote alternatives to driving alone during peak travel times
- Support carpooling, transit, and telecommuting
Met Council’s role in managing travel demand
The Metropolitan Council partners with counties, cities, townships, and Transportation Management Organizations to:
- Reduce travel during peak periods and in congested areas
- Promote alternatives to driving alone such as carpooling, transit, and bicycling
- Promote flexible work schedules and telecommuting
- Work with local governments to link their strategies with supportive land use policies
- Market transit services like the Northstar Commuter Line, METRO Green Line, A Line, C Line, and Red Line
- Encourage the use of amenities like park-and-ride facilities, bicycle shares, and on- and off-street bicycle facilities