Call to order
- Approval of the agenda
- Approval of December 9, 2024, Transportation Committee minutes
- Metropolitan Transportation Services Director
- Metro Transit General Manager
Consent business
- 2025-12: 2025-2028 Streamlined TIP Amendment: Sherburne County Government Center Electric Vehicles and Charging Stations (Robbie King 651-602-1380)
- 2025-13: 2025-2028 Streamlined TIP Amendment: Ramsey County and Saint Louis Park Projects Cost Increases (Robbie King 651-602-1380)
- 2025-14: 2025-2028 Streamlined TIP Amendment: New Hennepin County Charging Ports and MnDOT NEVI Program Charging Stations (Joe Barbeau 651-602-1705)
Non-consent business
- 2025-15: Regional Significant 2025-2028 TIP Amendment – I-494 E-ZPass Extension and Improvements (Robbie King 651-602-1380)
- 2025-28: Adoption of Highway Safety Performance Targets (Jed Hanson 651-602-1716) {presentation}
- 2025-20: Procurement of Forty-Five Foot Coach Buses, Contract 25P036 (Jodi Janssen 651-602-1103, Paul Colton 651-602-1668)
- 2025-21: Procurement of Small Buses, Contract 25P210 (Jodi Janssen 651-602-1103, Paul Colton 651-602-1668)
- 2025-22: Procurement of Replacement and Expansion Heavy Duty Buses, Contract 25P211 (Jodi Janssen 651-602-1103, Paul Colton 651-602-1668)
- 2025-27: Review of Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) 2025-2031 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) (Joe Widing 651-602-1822)
- 2025-2 JT: 2025 January Special Budget Amendment (Ed Petrie 612-349-7624, Heather Giesel 651-602-1715)
- 2025-16: Regional Travel Demand Management (TDM) Program Software-as-a-Service Upgrade (Wendy Duren 651-602-1701, Theresa Cain 612-349-7538)
- 2025-4: Metro Transit Agency Safety Plans (Andrew Brody 651-602-1671)
- 2025-5: Metropolitan Transportation Services (MTS) Agency Safety Plan (ASP) (Andrew Brody 651-602-1671)
- 2025-7: Contract Amendment Authorization, Contract 23M006 - Transit Planning Software (Shaun Morrell, 612-349-7706)
- 2025-18: 2025 Metropass License (Contract) Renewals – Customer Contracts Exceeding $500,000 for Term of Agreement (Dustin Crescini 612-349-7718)
- 2023 TBI Survey Results (Brandon Whited 651-602-1393)
JT: Joint business item; presented at two or more committees prior to being presented at Council
SW: Action taken by the Council and Committee the same week
* Agenda item changed following initial publication