Is there a match required for LHIA awards?
Yes, the granee (government organization) needs to match the award dollar for dollar.
Does the developer receive the grant award directly?
No. The funds will be awarded to the government organization that is part of the project team. To make sure that the government organization supports a developer applying, the organization has to submit an Acknowledgement of Receptivity form. A sub-recipient agreement between the government partners and the development partner is highly recommended.
Who receives the grant if the project is in multiple cities or counties?
Multiple government organizations can and are encouraged to partner on applications. The team will need to decided on a single organization to receive the award. All organizations on the team should be included in the grant application.
How does LHIA work with Minnesota Housing and the Greater Minnesota Housing Fund?
LHIA funding is pooled with various sources of affordable rental housing funding through Minnesota Housing. Since LHIA is a much smaller source of funding and often cannot make projects “whole” without additional state resources, LHIA applications are generally evaluated after Minnesota Housing has begun prioritizing their investments. This allows the most possible projects to be funded, since some sources of funding can only be used for certain types of projects. However, occasionally, a project that does not receive an award from Minnesota Housing will still be awarded LHIA funds. This is only considered if the government partner is open to partial funding.