Meet with us to talk about your project! 

Schedule a time to meet with the program coordinator for this grant program to talk about the scoring criteria, funding opportunities and how your project fits in. Schedule a time here.

Policy Development Grants

The Policy Development program provides funding to participating cities to support locally adopted policies that influence physical development and further both Livable Communities Act (LCA) and Imagine 2050 goals with an emphasis on equitable development. 

Policy Development Goals

  • Maximize the impact of Livable Communities Act dollars by supporting city-wide policies in the region that further LCA and Imagine 2050 goals
  • ​Support policy-level change that will realize more equitable development outcomes beyond individual projects


View 2025 Program Webinar Recordings

  • Remove 25% match

  • Updated language for housing policy goals ​

  • Add Capacity scoring criteria that considers a city's net tax capacity

Match amount: None

Award limit: $50,000 per city 

Application limit: One per city

Grant term: Two years

Extension: Up to one year

$200,000 available with an award limit of $50,000 per city

Policy Development Grant Timeline

April 21, 2025 3PM
Round One applications due
June 2025
Round One awards decision
July 21, 2025 3PM
Round Two applicaitons due
September 2025
Round Two awards decision

The Policy Development grant program supports creating locally adopted, enforceable policies that have an impact on physical development city-wide or in a specific defined area, for example a station area. Funds can only pay for activities that occur after the grant is awarded. Any work completed prior to the award is not eligible. The funds are reimbursed to the grantee for work completed.

Eligible Activities
  • Consultant services to develop a policy that will further LCA and Imagine 2050 goals
  • Staff time directly related to developing an eligible policy that will further LCA and Imagaine 2050 goals
Ineligible Activities
  • Work done before the grant was awarded
  • General staff time not directly related to policy development

Policy development applications are scored by a review panel of staff at the Metropolitan Council. The review panel assesses how the Policy Development grant activities will support a policy that meets Livable Communities and Imagine 2050 goals, as well as the process for developing the policy.

Download a Word Document of the narrative application questions.

Policy Development Scoring Table

While we recognize there are different types of inequities based on identity and circumstance, LCA is focused on addressing racial inequity in the region given race is the largest predictor of inequitable outcomes in jobs, housing, and other LCA goals. Projects addressing racial equity will be prioritized in scoring. Projects addressing other inequities will earn points towards how they address those inequities but will not receive full points unless they also consider the intersection of racial inequity.

What: Policy Development Outcomes

The goals and vision of the proposed policy would meet one or more of the following LCA and/or Thrive goals:
LCA and Imagine 2050 Goals
  • Remove barriers to producing or preserving affordable housing, with priority given to efforts that focus on housing affordable to households living at 30% of the area median income and/or prevent displacement in areas receiving new investment.
  • Support wealth building and economic opportunity for communities who have experienced historic wealth extraction
  • Minimizing climate impact by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and conserving natural resources
  • Support more equitable development outcomes in physical developments and/or through city process to approve physical developments

How: Policy Development Process

The process will include analysis of who will benefit most from the policy and in what ways, and use findings to influence equitable development strategies and outcomes 10

Who: Policy Development Team

Who is Involved
The project team has a defined scope of work with tangible goals 10
City Capacity
Of Livable Communities Act Participating Cities, if net tax capacity falls within the:
Top 25%: 2 points
50%-75% Percentile: 6 points
Below 50% Percentile: 10 points
(View Scores by City in Appendix)
Total Possible Points
Applications must score at least 25 of the possible 60 points

Visit the Apply for LCA Grants page for details on how to apply.

Required Documents
Saving Documents Please save all documents as compressed PDF files with the naming format: [Applicant_Project_AttachmentName]. For example, a site plan from City Y for their Downtown Development would be named City Y_Downtown Development_Site Plan.

  • A resolution of support from your City Council is required for application to the program.
  • Scope of Work that will guide the consultant you intend to hire

Grantees submit semi-annual reports outlining ongoing project progress. These progress reports are supplemented by details provided in each payment request. Depending on the activities included in your grant award, there may be additional reporting requirements. These will be included in the grant agreement. For example, projects awarded funding for community engagement should document the engagement process and submit a final report with their final payment request.

A final report is required with the last payment request. The final report will ask about project successes, the impact of the grant funding, and any challenges in completing the project.

As a grantee you are responsible for alerting the LCA grants administration team of any changes to the project. The grant administrator will work with you to decide if there needs to be an amendment to your grant agreement based on the project changes.
Contact LCA Grants Administrator with questions regarding reporting requirements and grant follow-up
Kelly Nezworski, LCA Grants Administrator, (651)-602-1757 [email protected]

What if the policy developed with the grant deosn't get adopted by our City Council?

We understand that not all policies will be adopted by City Council but believe there is value in the process of developing a proposed policy. We expect that staff work to build support for the proposed policy and consider the likelihood of adoption before bringing the policy to the City Council. 

Policy Development Grant Program Coordinators

Emily Seddon (she/her)
[email protected]
Olivia Boerschinger (she/her)
[email protected]