Annual Population Estimates

Informing decisions about local resource needs

2023 population estimates are now available

Each year, the Metropolitan Council releases its population and household estimates for use in various state aid programs. Estimates are for April 1 of the previous year (for example, estimates for April 1, 2022 were developed in 2023). The final set of estimates for the region as of April 1, 2023 were certified on July 15, 2024.

Using population estimates

The 2023 estimates use the 2020 Census as a baseline (results from the 2020 Census can be found on our Census webpage). Each year, we update our data and refine our methods. We do not recommend taking the difference between annual population estimates datasets to calculate growth over a specific time period. Instead, we recommend examining growth since the 2020 Census.

How we calculate population estimates

We use a housing stock-based model to estimate households and population because it is much easier to know how many housing units there—and estimate how many people live in them—than to estimate the three components of population change (birth, death, and migration) at local levels. We ask three key questions to calculate annual population estimates: 
2023 population estimates methods




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Group quarter facilities: a key input into estimates

The population in group quarters facilities (nursing homes, college dormitories, and other group housing arrangements) is an important input into the Metropolitan Council's population estimates. We maintain a list of these facilities so that we can survey them each year for the most current population figures. Because of the uncertainty involved in this process, we welcome feedback on this list so that we can ensure we are covering the entire population. Please contact us at research[at] with comments.