Identifying where a community will support forecasted growth is necessary to ensure that the timing of growth lines up with land use plans and supports planned infrastructure investments. Staging plans are especially important to sewer and local water supply plans in still developing communities, communities with orderly annexation agreements, and communities that have areas of potential MUSA expansion. Most developed areas will accommodate projected growth through redevelopment planning.
Minimum Requirements:
Identify potential local infrastructure impacts for each 10-year increment.
Demonstrate that the municipality is capable of providing services and facilities that accommodate its planned growth.
The staging plan or likely development phasing must be consistent with the volume of anticipated sewer flow identified in your community’s Local Sewer Plan.
The staging plan or likely development phasing must support and be consistent with your community’s share of the Region’s Need for Affordable Housing for 2021 - 2030.
For Suburban Edge, Emerging Suburban Edge, Rural Centers, and Communities with Orderly Annexation Agreements (OAAs):
Map stages of development in 10-year increments (existing, 2020, 2030, and 2040).
Provide a table of staged development in 10-year increments. The table must include future land uses, area in acres, density ranges, and total residential units by each 10-year time increment.
For Urban Center, Urban, and Suburban Communities:
Identify and map the land areas that are available or likely to be available for redevelopment, infill development, or new development in your community.
Provide a table of those areas identified that includes future land uses, acreages, density ranges, and total residential units in 10-year increments. Use your professional judgment for estimating the timing of development for areas that are uncertain or do not have plans in process.
Get More Out of Your Plan:
ULI MN has developed a Redevelopment Ready Guide for local governments that helps communities establish redevelopment policies and practices. This document provides a checklist of eight best practices that help communities support redevelopment efforts.
Include information about water supply system planning from the local water supply plan, and maintain as a high priority the securing of the water sector’s critical infrastructure and key resources (CIKR).

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