Q: How accurate does my budget need to be?
A: Try to make your budget as accurate as possible at this stage. We recognize that costs may change and that, in some instances, this may impact project scope. Should your project be funded, any changes to project scope, budget, or location must be communicated to the Met Council. Budget adjustments between items of up to 20% of the total budget are allowed without staff review, though must be communicated prior to reimbursement. Adjustments between line items that exceed 20% of the total budget will be reviewed first by staff. Any changes to scope, budget or locations that staff determine are significant changes to the original project (that may have made the project less competitive during the selection process), will require an amendment approval by Met Council’s Community Development Committee.
Q: What if my project scope or project sites change after getting a grant? How accurate do my plans need to be at this stage?
A: Our panel reviewers will be looking for evidence that projects are well-conceived, thoroughly planned, and of a realistic scope. Your project will be scored and reviewed based on your proposed sites and activities. Any changes to scope, budget or locations that staff determine are significant changes to the original project (that may have made the project less competitive during the selection process), will require an amendment approval by Met Council’s Community Development Committee before reimbursement for those changed activities. Throughout your project, communicate changes or challenges in advance to Met Council staff, so they can help you identify options and avoid surprise claim reimbursement denials.
Q: Can this grant be used to fund staff positions?
A: Yes, it could fund staff time directly related to eligible project activities, including site prep, tree removal, tree planting, and maintenance. Reimbursement requests will need to include documentation of staff hours and activities. Funds may not be used more broadly for planning or administration.
Q: Does tree removal also include costs associated with disposal?
A: Costs associated with those trees that have been removed with grant funding – including stump grinding and transportation of wood debris - are eligible uses of funds. However, stand-alone wood waste management and costs associated with trees removed with non-grant funding are not eligible grant activities.
Q: Is ongoing maintenance during the grant period an eligible activity?
A: Yes, maintenance during the grant period on trees planted using grant funds is an eligible activity.