Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Capital Program

The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Capital Program consists of the following components:

  • Authorized Capital Program
  • Capital Improvement Plan

Authorized Capital Program

The Authorized Capital Program provides multi-year authorization to spend on program costs where funding has been secured and the Metropolitan Council has given final approval to proceed. It is the total amount of all past and present approvals from the Met Council for the specific project.

The 2023 Authorized Capital Program consists of the previously approved Authorized Capital Program; plus the authorization of new programs, authorization of adjustments to existing programs, and the deletion of completed and closed-out programs. The changes from the previous year are summarized below.

2023 Summary of Authorized Capital Program Changes  
Previous Authorized Capital Program  $ 1,104,552,525
Adjustments to Existing Programs $ 223,296,628
Closed Projects $ (119,593,291)
New Projects $ 55,010,896
Total All Changes $ 158,714,233
Approved 2023 Authorized Capital Program $1,263,266,758

Capital Improvement Plan

The Capital Improvement Plan is the six-year capital investment plan. The Met Council has not given final approval to these investments. These proposed investments and the year that we anticipate asking the Met Council to move them into the Authorized Capital Program is summarized below. Note: Years 2023-2025 have been fully authorized.

The Capital Improvement Plan identifies programs and projects that preserve assets, provide capacity for growth, or improve the safety, efficiency, or quality of existing service. The plan is guided by the 2040 Water Resources Policy Plan, the Wastewater System Plan, and the Met Council Customer Level of Service, which sets expectations for organizational performance, communication, project coordination, and economic outcomes.

The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Proposed Future Authorizations graph, showing a total of $449 million.Capital Program

The Capital Program consists of the Authorized Capital Program plus the Capital Improvement Program. Table 10 (PDF) from the Met Council’s 2023 Unified Budget summarizes the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services 2023-2028 Capital Program.

Capital Budget and Projected Expenses

The Capital Budget is the amount from the Authorized Capital Program that is expected to be spent in that given year. It cannot be exceeded without formal Met Council action. The adopted Metropolitan Council Environmental Services 2021 Capital Budget is $243 million. As depicted below, the projected capital expenses for the 2023-2028 timeframe are $243 million. The projected expenses are utilized in the development of the debt service numbers in the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Capital Finance Plan.

2021 Capital Budget Projected Expenses bar graph showing total expenses totaling $1,171 million.

For more information on the Capital Programs budget, please see the 2023-2028 Capital Program summary.

Contact us

Cory McCullough
[email protected]