Capital Program


Cover of the 2024 through 2029 Capital Improvement Program, linking to the full document.The regional wastewater conveyance and treatment system has an estimated replacement value of approximately $7 billion. From 1970 to 2013, capital investment focused primarily on developing an efficient and effective wastewater system to meet the needs of a growing region. These investments have included interceptor system capacity expansion and extension to serve the long-term service area (2040 and beyond), as well as consolidating, expanding capacity, and completing quality upgrades to the regional wastewater treatment plants. Since 2014, capital investments have shifted primarily to preserving the valuable regional wastewater infrastructure.

The 2024-2029 Capital Program (PDF, 8.5 MB) supports the level of service to Metropolitan Council Environmental Services customers:

  1. Preserve the value and performance of the region’s wastewater assets.
  2. Comply consistently with water, air, and environmental permits.
  3. Convey and treat wastewater safely with minimal backups or spills.
  4. Lead by example with respect to energy conservation and water conservation/reuse.
  5. Be a good neighbor with respect to odors, traffic, noise, and visual aesthetics.
  6. Provide capacity consistent with the regional wastewater system plan and approved local comprehensive sewer plans.
  7. Coordinate public infrastructure asset preservation work.

The Environmental Services Capital Program is a component of the Council’s unified budget plan. The Environmental Services Division plans capital spending for new treatment plants, interceptors and/or improvements of the metropolitan wastewater system. The capital program provides capital investments to preserve and rehabilitate existing wastewater infrastructure, meet more stringent water and air quality regulations, and expand the system's capacity to meet regional growth needs. It is prepared, reviewed, and approved on a yearly basis to consider the new programs and/or adjustments to the plan. The capital program and key projects are presented to customers at the annual open house and budget workshops

Contact Us

Interceptor Projects

Adam Gordon
Manager, Interceptor Engineering
[email protected]

Plant Projects

Rene Heflin
Manager, Plant Engineering
[email protected]

Capital Program General Questions

Cory McCullough
Program Administrator
[email protected]

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