Transportation Committee Meeting

Regular Meeting
November 27, 2023 | 4:00 p.m.
Location: Heywood Council Chambers - Directions
Minutes (PDF)


 Call to order

  1. Approval of the agenda
  2. Approval of November 13, 2023, Transportation Committee minutes

Employee recognition – Metro Transit

  1. Metro Transit General Manager


  1. Metropolitan Transportation Services Executive Director
  2. Metro Transit General Manager
  3. Transportation Advisory Board (TAB)
    • Attachment: November 15, 2023 TAB Summary Report

Consent business

  1. 2023-243: METRO Green Line Extension Amendment No. 1 to the Dispatch Services Agreement 19P192 with Red River Valley and Western Railroad (Jim Alexander 612-373-3880)
  2. 2023-244: METRO Green Line Extension Amendment No. 4 to Quality Management Services Contract 18P018 with Braun Intertec Corporation (Jim Alexander 612-373-3880)
  3. 2023-245: METRO Green Line Extension Amendment No. 15 to Advanced Design Services Contract 14P125 with AECOM Technical Services, Inc. (Jim Alexander 612-373-3880)
  4. 2023-246: METRO Green Line Extension Amendment No. 5 to Construction Management Support Services Contract 17P060 with Kimley-Horn and Associates Inc. (Jim Alexander 612-373-3880)
  5. 2023-272: 2024-2027 TIP Amendment Request – Four Project Adjustments (Joe Barbeau 651-602-1705)
  6. 2023-273: 2024-2027 TIP Amendment: St. Michael Multiuse Trail (Joe Barbeau 651-602-1705)
  7. 2023-274: 2024-2027 TIP Amendment: SouthWest Transit Mobility Hub (Joe Barbeau 651-602-1705)
  8. 2023-276: 2024-2027 TIP Amendment Request – Four Project Adjustments (Joe Barbeau 651-602-1705)
  9. 2023-283: Transit Link-Scott/Carver County Intergovernmental Agreement (Sheila Williams 651-602-1709)

Non-consent business

  1. 2023-223: METRO Green Line Extension Amendment No. 3 to Cooperative Construction Agreement 20I052 with St. Louis Park Economic Development Authority (Jim Alexander 612-373-3880
    • Presentation: 2023-223: METRO Green Line Extension Amendment No. 3 to Cooperative Construction Agreement 20I052 with St. Louis Park Economic Development Authority
  2. 2023-281: METRO Green Line Extension Aldridge Parsons Joint Venture Part One Claims Resolution Change Order, Cumulative Change Order Authority Increase, Project 61001, Contract 17P000 (Jim Alexander 612-373-3880) *
  3. 2023-226: Blue Line Lake St/Midtown Station Renovation Design, Contract 23P050 (Christina Morrison 612-349-7690)
    • Presentation: 2023-226: Blue Line Lake St/Midtown Station Renovation Design, Contract 23P050
  4. 2023-259: LRV Coupler Overhaul for Type 2 Light Rail Vehicles, Contract 23P150 (Ryan McTeague 612-341-5671)
    • Presentation: 2023-259: LRV Coupler Overhaul for Type 2 Light Rail Vehicles, Contract 23P150
  5. 2023-282: Metro Transit Bus Fuel Supply Contract, Contract 23P158 (Anthony Zessman 612-349-5073)
  6. 2023-284: Metro Transit Code of Conduct (Pam Steffen 612-349-7430)
  7. 2023-263: Metro Move, Contract 23P011 (Sheila Holbrook-White 651-602-1618)
  8. 2023-257: 2040 Transportation Policy Plan (TPP) Public Comment Report and Final Amendment 2 Adoption (Dave Burns 651-602-1887, Steve Peterson 651-602-1819)
    • Presentation: 2023-257: 2040 Transportation Policy Plan (TPP) Public Comment Report and Final Amendment 2 Adoption & 2023-275: Regionally Significant 2024-2027 TIP Amendment Request – Two Regionally Significant Projects
    • Additional Material: Public Comment Report, 2040 Transportation Policy Plan (TPP) Amendment 2
    • Additional Material: 2040 Transportation Policy Plan (TPP) Amendment 2
  9. 2023-275: Regionally Significant 2024-2027 TIP Amendment Request – Two Regionally Significant Projects (Joe Barbeau 651-602-1705)
    • Additional Material: 2024-2027 TIP – Regionally Significant Project Additions 
    • Addtional Material: Public Comment Report, 2024-2027 TIP – Regionally Significant Project Additions


  1. There are no information items on the agenda.


JT:        Joint business item; presented at two or more committees prior to being presented at Council
SW:      Action taken by the Council and Committee the same week
*           Agenda item changed following initial publication

Committee information

Transportation Committee

Committee contact:

Becky Gorell
[email protected]