For communities with a locally owned and operated wastewater system, we work to ensure that these systems are adequately managed and maintained around the region. This helps to ensure that local capacity is available, but also helps to prevent costly regional infrastructure investments in inadequately maintained systems. Whether your community is served by the regional system or by a locally owned and operated treatment plant, your update needs to plan for and provide the appropriate local system capacity and address inflow and infiltration.

Minimum Requirements:

A table that details the households and employment forecasts in 10-year increments through 2040, based on the Council’s forecasts and any subsequent negotiated modifications. This should be broken down by areas served by the Metropolitan Disposal System, locally owned and operated wastewater treatment systems, and Community and Subsurface sewage treatment systems. The forecasts used in your wastewater plan must be consistent with the forecasts used throughout your plan, including in land use, transportation, and water supply.
Management program for subsurface sewage treatment systems to comply with MPCA 7080.
Current subsurface sewage treatment system ordinance.
Describe the capacity of, and existing flows to, the public and private treatment systems in your community.
Describe the community's sewer system plan, including:
Projected flows in 2020, 2030, and 2040
Map the local wastewater service areas in your community through 2040, including a staging plan if applicable, and any proposed changes in governmental boundaries affecting the community, including any areas designated for orderly annexation.
Describe the proposed timing and financing of any expanded or new wastewater treatment facilities.
Define your community’s goals, policies, and strategies for preventing and reducing excessive inflow and infiltration (I/I) in the local sewer system, including a discussion of sump pumps and drain tile connected to the local sewer system.
A copy of facility planning reports for the upgrading of your local wastewater treatment plant.
Copies of the associated National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) or State Disposal System (SDS) permits.
Get More Out of Your Plan:

We Can Help!
Inflow and Infiltration is a major factor for some communities. Review the Inflow and Infiltration Fact Sheet for information on our policies and mitigation programs,
Refer to our Inflow and Infiltration toolbox to learn how to get an I/I Reduction Program started, learn about investigative techniques, corrective measure for both private property and publicly owned sewers, and more.
Orderly Annexation Agreements (OAAs) are often used as communities accommodate growth and provide services to areas outside of their current municipal boundaries. We’ve provided a few examples of OAAs for your information.