Transportation Coordinated Plan

For the Twin Cities metropolitan area


  • Increase understanding of public transit and human service transportation coordination among stakeholders, elected officials, and the Metropolitan Council in the metro area. 

  • Identify the potential for better coordination with the assistance of federal funding, especially with regard to service duplication and unmet needs in the metro area.

  • Establish strategies for associated federal funding sources that support coordination within the delivery of human services transportation.

  • Prioritize needs and strategies.

Read the plan

2020 Twin Cities Public Transit and Human Services Transportation Coordinated Plan (PDF)

Plan process

The Met Council developed the plan in collaboration with a steering committee and workshop participants representing public and private transportation providers, human service transportation providers, state agencies, riders, healthcare providers, counties, and organizations who serve these populations. We worked together to identify barriers to service and strategies to improve access.

The plan is required for distributing federal funding under the Federal Transit Administration Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities program (also referred to as Section 5310). This program is administered by MnDOT.

Heidi Schallberg
Senior Planner