Transit Service Allocation Study

Metro Transit C Line bus.The metropolitan area has an interconnected transit system that transports residents to the places that they want and need to go. Metro Transit is the region’s largest transit provider, providing service to nearly 80% of the fixed-route service areas. The region is also served by five other regular-route transit providers that serve suburban communities and the University of Minnesota. On-demand paratransit service and dial-a-ride services are another critical part of the system.

The design of the transit system is a reflection of regional values and how transit fits into and supports the overall transportation system.

Study goals

MVTA bus.This project studied regional transit’s competing roles of serving the largest geography possible and best serving the areas that generate the most ridership. The study provides insights on how resources are currently distributed between these roles, and how these roles are valued differently through the lens of a technical evaluation versus input from regional stakeholders on a shared vision for transit. The study: 

  • Classified and documented the existing conditions for distribution of resources between the different roles transit serves

  • Provided an analysis of different scenarios for regional stakeholders to discuss that lead to strategic recommendations for policies, goals, or guidelines on how transit can best reflect regional values when considering competing roles

  • Developed performance measures and design guidelines for how geographic coverage-based transit services should be applied

Final Report and Technical Appendices 

Below are the Final Report for the Bus Service Allocation Study and supporting Technical Appendices


The final report for the study was produced in January 2021. Follow up efforts, including additional stakeholder meetings and feedback solicitation are scheduled to continue through early 2021.

Related study

Network Next: Metro Transit is working on a two-year effort to develop their vision for the bus network of 2040. Building on the existing network’s strengths, Metro Transit is setting out to identify expanded bus service across a spectrum of transit improvements, including improved local and express routes, new arterial bus rapid transit (BRT) lines, and integrated shared mobility options.

Cole Hiniker
Metropolitan Council
[email protected]