Arterial Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Study

Evaluating high-ridership routes between major destinations for possible BRT service

In 2011-2012, Metro Transit studied 11 urban corridors with high-ridership bus routes that connect major destinations for implementation of enhanced bus service.

Bus Rapid Transit in these corridors would improve travel speed, increase reliability, enhance the ride and create faster connections. This requires eliminating delays: reducing boarding time, the time buses wait at traffic lights, and time spent in traffic congestion.

What is BRT?

BRT vehicles feature low floors and allow boarding from either door. Fares are paid before boarding – just as on light rail – so more time is spent moving rather than at bus stops. Trips are frequent with fewer stops per mile. Stations feature enhanced information displays and better lighting and radiant heat.

Corridors studied

  • American Boulevard

  • Central Avenue

  • Chicago Avenue

  • East 7th Street

  • Hennepin Avenue

  • Lake Street

  • Nicollet Avenue

  • Robert Street

  • Snelling Avenue / Ford Parkway

  • West Broadway Avenue

  • West 7th Street

Study findings

More information

See more on arterial BRT planning from Metro Transit.