This is an image of crash scene.The construction of the metropolitan highway system has significantly influenced economic growth, regional mobility, and community development. However, highways also have major impacts on nearby communities and may lead to unintended and lasting harms, particularly for communities of color and low-income residents. These impacts include displacement, environmental and health consequences, economic disinvestment, and disconnected neighborhoods. Many of these problems still exist today, so we need a thoughtful plan to address them.  

The Highway System Harms, Impacts, and Mitigation Priorities Study is critical to uncovering the full impact of highway projects, listening to those impacted, and developing ways to create a more just and equitable transportation future.

Study goals and objectives

The Metropolitan Council’s Highway System Harms Study seeks to understand these past and present harms, engage with affected communities, and develop actionable strategies for mitigation. The study aims to:
  • Investigate the historical and ongoing impacts of highway construction and operation on affected communities.
  • Engage with impacted populations to ensure their perspectives and lived experiences shape the study’s findings and solutions.
  • Develop a framework for mitigation actions, focusing on infrastructure, policy changes, and investment strategies.
  • Create tools and resources to support decision-makers in integrating community-centered mitigation solutions into future transportation planning.
  • Enhance visibility of the findings to foster broader understanding, policy discussions, and reforms.

Expected outcomes

The study intends to comprehensively define the impact of highways on communities while establishing an organized framework for understanding and addressing past harms. It will develop practical tools and guides to support mitigation and equitable policy implementation, ensuring that commitments at agency levels help drive equity-driven transportation policies. Additionally, the study will establish clear metrics and success indicators to track progress and measure the impact of these initiatives.

Key study components

Research and analysis

  • Conduct a comprehensive review of existing studies, historical records, and data sources to assess highway-related h
  • Develop a quantitative and qualitative evaluation framework to categorize and analyze harms.
  • Identify specific corridor case studies to illustrate past and present impacts and identify mitigation solutions.

Stakeholder and community engagement

  • Establish multi-level advisory groups, including the Technical Advisory Committee and Highway Harms Policy Group, to guide the study.
  • Implement a robust community engagement strategy, including outreach through Community-Based Organizations, focus group discussions, and listening sessions.
  • Ensure transparent and inclusive communication through online engagement tools and accessible public meetings.

Impact assessment and solution development

  • Assess the social, economic, and environmental consequences of highway expansion and maintenance.
  • Identify best practices and mitigation strategies to address historical and current harms.
  • Develop an interactive online mapping platform to visually represent data and findings.

Implementation and policy integration

  • Provide a structured framework for policy and investment decisions, ensuring recommendations are actionable and effective.
  • Deliver a mitigation strategy guidebook for agencies and policymakers.
  • Organize findings into reports, articles, and presentations to build awareness.

Project Schedule

The study will run from June 2024 to June 2027, following these key phases:

  • 2024-2025: Research, data collection, and initial engagement.
  • 2025-2026: Impact assessments and development of mitigation strategies.
  • 2026-2027: Finalizing recommendations and integrating findings into policy frameworks.


Bethany Brandt-Sargent
Planning Analyst
[email protected]