Highway System Studies and Reports

2025 Highway System Harms, Impacts, and Mitigation Priorities Study

The Highway System Harms Study is critical to uncovering the full impact of highway projects, listening to those impacted, and developing ways to create a more just and equitable transportation future. The study seeks to understand these past and present harms, engage with affected communities, and develop actionable strategies for mitigation.

2023 Intersection Mobility and Safety Study

The Metropolitan Council and the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) worked with local agencies to analyze and prioritize at-grade intersections on the principal arterial system within the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Planning Area. This study serves as an update the 2017 Principal Arterial Intersection Conversion Study.

2020 Sensitivity Analysis of Twin Cities Highway Mobility Studies

This joint study with MnDOT applies MnDOT’s methodology in the Greater Minnesota Mobility Study (2018) to roadways in the Twin Cities. The sensitivity analysis compares the results of the new methodology to other recent Twin Cities highway mobility studies to see if similar locations showed highway mobility and reliability issues.
Twin Cities Mobility Needs Analysis (2020)

2020 Twin Cities Mobility Needs Analysis

This joint study with MnDOT seeks to understand how and where we can make highway investments that improve regional travel times and reliability. We will examine how best to measure highway mobility and set targets within those measures to help guide MnDOT funding decisions. The goal is to identify the investment needed to meet the region’s highway mobility needs over the next 20 years.
Freeway System Interchange Study

2020 Freeway System Interchange Study

The study began in the second half of 2018 and evaluates and prioritizes significant investments that could be made to improve safety and mobility at interchanges where freeways cross each other.
Congestion Management Safety Plan Study

2017 Congestion Management Safety Plan Study

This study evaluated lower cost spot mobility improvements on MnDOT’s highways within our region. The study recommended improvements included in the 2040 Transportation Policy Plan Update.
MnPASS System Study Phase 3

2017 MnPASS System Study Phase 3 

MnDOT studied the region’s freeways to consider where High Occupancy Toll Lanes (called MnPASS in Minnesota) might be an effective strategy to provide congestion relief and long-term reliable trips for transit, High Occupancy Vehicles and drivers will to pay a fee.

2017 Principal Arterial Intersection Conversion Study

This study considered where an interchange or other bridged crossing might be an effective solution for safety and mobility concerns at intersections in the region. The study resulted in a prioritized list for these types of improvements.
Regional Truck Freight Corridor Study

2017 Regional Truck Freight Corridor Study

The Metropolitan Council embarked on a regional study of truck highway corridors. The study identified the region’s key truck corridors based on current truck usage and other factors. The results informed the 2040 Transportation Policy Plan that was adopted in the fall of 2018.

Freeway Travel Trends

Metropolitan Council researchers have developed an interactive tool that allows users to explore traffic count trends on Twin Cities metro area freeway system. Users can view daily and hourly trends at more than 2,000 individual traffic monitoring stations or view summarized trends for freeway corridors and the entire metropolitan area

Funtional Roadway Classification

Functional roadways classifications identify what function roadways should perform before determining street widths, speed limits, intersection control or other design features. The classifications also determine which routes should be part of the metropolitan highway system and which should receive regionally-allocated federal funds. 

Metro Freeway Project Approval

The Metropolitan Council is responsible for approving major highway projects within the seven-county Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. Metro Freeway Project Approval in Minnesota Statute 473.166 exists so that freeways in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area are developed consistently with the region’s long-range Transportation Policy Plan. The law applies to any project that is within the Metropolitan Council region. That includes the following counties with certain exceptions: Anoka, Carver, and Dakota, except Northfield and Cannon Falls; Hennepin, except Hanover and Rockford; Ramsey; and Scott, except New Prague and Washington.
Right of Way Acquisition Loan Fund

Right of Way Acquisition Loan Fund

RALF is a revolving loan fund program to acquire property located within an officially-mapped metropolitan highway right-of-way that is threatened by development.