Protecting public health and the environment
The Metropolitan Water Resource Recovery Facility is the largest wastewater treatment facility in Minnesota and among the largest in the nation. When it opened in 1938, the Metro Facility was the first wastewater treatment plant in a metropolitan area on the Mississippi River. Prior to operation, untreated wastewater severely degraded water quality, created a public health hazard, threatened the environment, and caused odors from floating sewage mats.
The facility treats an average of 172 million gallons of wastewater per day, processing about 70% of the total solids collected and treated by the Met Council, before returning the resulting clean water to the Mississippi.
At the Metro Facility, we’ve made significant environmental strides, reduced phosphorus discharges to the river by 90%; cut air emissions, like particulates and mercury, by 90%; reduce solids volume 95% for offsite disposal; and produces enough electricity to power 800 homes a year.
The Metro Facility has an excellent environmental record and regularly earns state and national awards for operational excellence. The plant has been a National Association of Clean Water Agencies Platinum Peak Performance Award winner for perfect clean water discharge permit compliance for multiple consecutive years.