News & Events


Walz and Flanagan announce appointments

The Minnesota Legislature completed the statutory requirement to redraw Metropolitan Council districts, and Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan announced appointments to the districts.

June 27, 2023

Legislature stabilizes transit funding

Legislators and Gov. Tim Walz delivered a sustainable funding source for transit, investments in our regional parks and trails, investments in clean water and repairs to sewer pipes, and more.

June 12, 2023

Ring lost in sewer reunited with owner

In March, crews working on a piece of machinery at the Rogers Wastewater Treatment Plant spotted a sparkle coming from the muck. It turned out to be a lost diamond ring.

May 17, 2023

Fats and oils and grease, oh my!

Our waste discharge rules prohibit excessive discharge of fats, oils, and grease that cause obstructions in sewers as well as operational problems at our wastewater treatment plants.

May 16, 2023

Discovery of diamond ring was a longshot

The discovery of a diamond ring in some wastewater solids at the Rogers Wastewater Treatment Plant in March was like finding a needle in a haystack.

April 12, 2023