Implementation is guided by a shared vision of sustainability
The Water Supply Planning unit of the Met Council has a goal of supporting a sustainable water supply now and in the future. Together, the Council and stakeholders said that the region’s water supplies will be considered sustainable when:
- The use of existing water supply infrastructure and investments is maximized (within sustainable limits of available sources)
- ​Use of surface water is planned and implemented in a way that maintains protected flows (MN Rules 6115.0630)
- Use of groundwater is planned and implemented in a way that:
- Maintains aquifer levels consistent with safe-yield conditions (MN Rules 6115.0630) and protected surface water flows and water levels
- Minimizes impacts to groundwater-flow directions in areas where groundwater contamination has, or may, result in risks to the public health
- Water demand that exceeds sustainable groundwater withdrawal rates is supplied by the most feasible combination of efficiency and conservation, surface water, and/or wastewater and stormwater reuse
- Legislative changes are made that align agency directions on all aspects of water supply
- Water users and suppliers recognize uncertainty and seek to minimize risk
Water supplies can be impacted from a variety of ways: climate change, population growth, contamination, and aquifer depletion, as examples.
The Met Council has pursued projects and tools focused on water conservation and efficiency to help water utilities, private consumers, businesses, industries and others reduce their use of water to help maintain a plentiful and sustainable water supply for the future.