Liquid Waste Hauler Program

Regulating disposal of hauled domestic, commercial, and industrial wastes

Metropolitan Council Environmental Services collects and treats wastewater in the Twin Cities metro area to protect public health and the environment. We own and operate nine wastewater treatment plants and over 600 miles of sewer pipe that convey wastewater from 111 communities to our treatment plants. The wastewater treated at these plants must meet strict environmental standards to ensure that receiving waters are kept clean.

Purpose of the Liquid Waste Hauler Program

  • To regulate septage and other hauled liquid waste discharged to the Metropolitan Disposal System
  • To designate and approve adequate facilities for disposal
  • To collect equitable load charges for the waste discharged

Permit required to discharge approved liquid wastes at Met Council facilities

Liquid Waste Haulers that want to use Met Council liquid-waste receiving facilities to discharge approved domestic, commercial, and industrial wastes must obtain a permit through the Industrial Waste and Pollution Prevention section.

How to obtain a Liquid Waste& Hauler Permit

  1. Complete and submit a Met Council Liquid Waste Hauler Permit Application
  2. Include the first year's permit fee with the permit application (see Rates and Fees)
  3. Obtain a Subsurface Treatment System (SSTS) license from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency if you plan to haul domestic septage

How permitted liquid waste haulers must comply with the program

  1. Fulfill all permit requirements and conditions
  2. Comply with all disposal facility rules and requirements
  3. Enroll in the Met Council Industrial Online Reporting System (IORS)
  4. Submit quarterly or semi-annual reports via IORS:
    1. How to submit your discharge report (PDF)
    2. LWH Load Tracker template (Excel)
  5. Pay annual permit fees and load charges as assessed: Rates and Fees

Contact us

Liquid Waste Hauler Program information

Laura Engen
[email protected]
Bryan Page
[email protected]
Matthew Michaelis
[email protected]

Met Council rates, fees, and invoicing

Kristi Goble
[email protected]

Industrial Waste and Pollution Prevention (IWPP) office

[email protected]

To receive important notifications regarding your Met Council liquid waste hauler permit, we recommend that you add the following emails to your address book: [email protected] and [email protected].