Creating an account and getting started is the secure website that enables HRA landlords and property managers to contact Metro HRA with requests, get information, and perform common tasks, such as reviewing payments and inspection information.
Create an account and get started
To set up an account, you will need your TAX ID number, and the Personal Identification Number (PIN) you received from Metro HRA. If you don’t have your PIN, call the front desk at 651.602.1428.
Log in to and follow these instructions.
Step 1: Select Create a property owner account and then Begin.
Step 2: Owners enter their Tax ID Number and PIN, then select Continue.
Step 3: Create your Account Settings: Username, password, and email address. Then select Continue.
Step 4: Set your Security Questions, and then select Continue
Step 5. Review and print your account information, then select Submit.
The final screen confirms that your Property Owner account has been created. Select Done.
Owners will receive a validation email good for two hours.