About the 2040 Transportation Policy Plan

Thrive MSP 2040 and TPP

The Metropolitan Council adopted the 2040 Transportation Policy Plan on January 14, 2015. 

The plan sets policies for the regional transportation system based on the goals and objectives in Thrive MSP 2040, the region’s development guideThe TPP is one of three major system plans that result from Thrive MSP 2040. It also responds to federal planning guidance provided in the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act, known as MAP-21.

How was the Transportation Policy Plan created?

The 2040 Transportation Policy Plan reflects a combination of technical analysis and policy discussion. The plan builds on Thrive MSP 2040 and its extensive public engagement process, on previous regional transportation plans, studies of significant regional transportation issues, discussion and feedback from policymakers throughout the region, and ideas and feedback from other regional stakeholders, including residents, business owners, and advocates for various community and transportation organizations.

The Final Public Comment Report (194 pages, 1.7 MB pdf)  includes public input received in the fall of 2014 and resulting adjustments to the draft transportation plan.

The following Council studies and work from transportation partners provided a technical basis for the plan:

In addition, two groups met monthly for about a year to discuss policy issues and provide guidance to the Metropolitan Council, and help draft policies and content for the plan:

  • a group of technical planning staff from local and state agencies, and 

  • a group of elected officials and policymakers from communities across the region.
