- People and businesses trust that transportation infrastructure and services will withstand and recover quickly from natural and human-caused disruptions.
- People have better travel options beyond driving alone to meet their daily needs, with a focus on improving travel times, reliability, directness, and affordability.
- People have more predictable travel times when traveling on highways, with a focus on reducing excessive delays.
- People and businesses can rely on predictable and cost-effective movement of freight and goods.
People, businesses, and institutions in our region depend on transportation to meet their daily needs. A transportation system that is resilient and reliable provides affordable access to destinations by any mode of travel people may choose. This plan will support a reliable transportation system with predictable travel times; transportation choices that provide access to jobs, services, and community destinations; a resilient transportation system that withstands natural and human-caused disruptions.
- Plan and implement a complete bicycle system including local networks that connect to the Regional Bicycle Transportation Network alignments to provide connections between regional destinations and local bicycle networks.
- Identify, prioritize, and improve locations where network gaps or physical barriers (like rivers, freeways, and rail corridors) may impede non-motorized travel.
- Provide regional resources to support local planning and implementation for pedestrian travel.
- Use a variety of transit service types to match transit service delivery to residents’ daily needs based on transit markets.
- Plan for, invest in, and implement a network of transitways to expand access to reliable, frequent, high-capacity, all-day transit services.
- Coordinate transit service delivery and operations to create a high-quality rider experience.
- Use travel demand management (TDM) to plan, fund, and promote multimodal travel options and alternatives to driving alone.
- Provide high-quality connections within and between modes of transportation.
- Implement a Complete Streets approach in policy, planning, operations, and maintenance of roads.
- Plan for and invest in first/last-mile freight connections between major freight generators and the regional highway system.
- Provide transportation options and transit advantages on roadway corridors with delay and travel time reliability issues.
- Focus highway mobility investments on corridors with high levels of existing delay and travel time reliability issues.
- Identify and implement activities and investments that will mitigate current or anticipated climate or weather-related impacts.
- Pursue opportunities to minimize disruption and non-recurring delay from weather, security, and traffic incidents.
Learn more and comment on these objectives, policies, and the actions that support them.