Transportation Policy Plan

2020 Update to the 2040 TPP

The 2040 Transportation Policy Plan 2020 Update (TPP) presents the Metropolitan Council’s policies and plans to guide development of the region’s transportation system. The TPP must be consistent with the regional vision set forth in Thrive MSP 2040 and describe how the transportation system will be developed and operate to support Thrive MSP goals.

The Council embarks on a major update once every 10 years that aligns with updates to the Regional Development Guide (Thrive MSP 2040). In between, we put together minor updates. This is a minor update that includes recent small changes to regional transportation investments and revenues, new travel trends data, results of recently completed studies and projects, and keeps the Metropolitan Planning Organization in federal compliance.

Transportation Policy Plan development

The region’s transportation plan comes together by collaborating with counties, cities and townships to create a vision for a shared transportation system. The Met Council builds these partnerships to help make a stronger system possible, serving people and connecting to places across the region. Our job is to listen to our partners and the people who live in the region to hear what they want in a transportation system. We then translate a shared vision for our region’s transportation system into investment plans and decisions that help build and maintain that system.

Public participation

Transportation Addendum to the Metropolitan Council Public Engagement Plan


The Met Council adopted the updated 2040 Transportation Policy Plan on November 18, 2020.