Transportation Policy Plan

2018 update to the 2040 TPP

Transportation is the engine of our regional prosperity

Transportation Policy Plan Summary Cover and link.The 2040 TPP lays out a course of action to maintain and enhance our existing facilities, better connect people and communities, and provide more transportation choices that will make the region stronger and a better place to live, through six goals:

  • Transportation system stewardship
  • Safety and security
  • Access to destinations
  • Competitive economy
  • Healthy environment
  • Leveraging transportation investments to guide land use

A focus on equity and healthy communities

In line with the equity outcome included in Thrive MSP 2040, the 2040 TPP strategies include equity among the criteria for prioritizing transportation spending across the system. Strategies also highlight the importance of healthy and livable communities for investment decision-making.

For the first time, the plan acknowledges the impact the transportation system has on global climate change. The plan calls for additional evaluation of this impact, and convening partners to discuss how the region can prepare to mitigate the effects of climate change and slow its progress.

Public participation

Transportation Public Participation Plan (18 pages, pdf)

The Metropolitan Council is updating the 2040 Transportation Policy Plan. See the changes and how you can comment on the draft.

2040 Transportation Policy Plan

The Council adopted the updated 2040 Transportation Policy Plan on Oct. 24, 2018.


Thrive MSP logo and link
Other regional plans

The regional development guide, Thrive MSP 2040, sets the policy foundations for systems and policy plans developed by the Council. In addition to the Transportation Policy Plan, see: