2050 Transportation Policy Plan Objectives

One of the first, and perhaps most important, steps in developing the region’s 2050 Transportation Policy Plan is updating the goals and objectives that guide the strategic direction for the region’s transportation system. The 2050 Transportation Policy Plan, Regional Development Guide, and other system plans will use a shared structure and planning framework that has regional values, vision, and goals and system-specific objectives. As a result, the 2050 Transportation Policy Plan is developing transportation-specific objectives that tie back to the regional goals.  

Outreach and engagement are informing the regional goals and shaping the transportation-specific objectives development. In early 2023, a range of stakeholders joined focus groups or listening sessions to identify clear, shared values that all regional transportation partners can advance, and areas where additional work is needed.

Working objectives – Sept 2023

The following are the working 2050 Transportation Policy Plan objectives that tie back to the working 2050 regional goals. These working drafts came out of a collaborative process with the 2050 TPP Advisory Work Group and Technical Working Group. Objectives for other policy areas, including Land Use, Water Resources, Housing, and Parks are still under development.

  • Historically disadvantaged communities are better connected to jobs, education, and other opportunities.
  • We repair and eliminate disparate and unjust impacts and harms to Black people, Indigenous people, and people of color.
  • We better meet the transportation needs of people who have disabilities or limited mobility.

  • People do not die or face life-changing injuries when using any form of transportation.
  • People feel safer, more comfortable, and more welcome when using any form of transportation.
  • We mitigate and avoid harms to people caused by nearby transportation infrastructure and use (e.g., air quality, noise, light).
  • People are better connected to community and cultural resources that support their physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
  • People can increase physical activity with more opportunities to walk, roll, or bike.

  • People and businesses trust that transportation infrastructure and services will withstand and recover quickly from natural and human-caused disruptions.
  • People can better meet their daily needs with timely, reliable, direct, and affordable options beyond driving alone.
  • People experience more predictable travel times without experiencing excessive delays when traveling on highways.
  • People and businesses can rely on predictable and cost-effective movement of freight and goods.

  • The region’s transportation system minimizes its contributions to climate change.
  • People have more access to and trust in zero emissions vehicle infrastructure.
  • By 2050, the region reduces vehicle miles traveled by 20% per capita below 2019 levels.

  • The region’s transportation system and the people who use it limit their impacts on natural systems (e.g., air, water, vegetation, and habitat quality).

Gathering input

To understand the vision and priorities transportation partners have for the future of the Twin Cities region, the study engaged both staff and policy makers from a breadth of stakeholders.
  • Cities and townships
  • Counties
  • The Met Council’s Transportation Advisory Board
  • Minnesota Department of Transportation
  • Federal Highway Administration
  • Freight shippers and haulers
  • Transit providers

In addition, these efforts made a concentrated effort to focus on community input to add to the feedback from transportation partners. A cross-section of people and perspectives brought their community and lived experiences to the conversation.

  • Equity-focused groups
  • Tribal communities
  • Climate-friendly transportation groups
  • Aging, disability, and social service groups
  • Business groups and associations
  • Corridor coalitions and specialty projects
  • Water and land use groups
  • Neighborhood-level organizations
Cole Hiniker
[email protected]
Jed Hanson
[email protected]